Podcast Support Comming Soon?
"...but when you visit the zune.net website you will see that the site as been updated... But even more important, there is now a section called “pass it on”, that does the promotion of Zune-to-Zune sharing and has a clear focus on ….Podcast! Does this mean that we may have a Podcast management update sooner than expected?" 
Some enterprising individuals have discovered a few tidbits that might just indicate Zune will be getting podcast support sooner than thought. First, there's an updated page on zune.net which mentions podcasts and features a podcast partner, which can be seen here. Also, an image was discovered on NPR's website which indicates support for Zune podcasts. You can see that image here. You can read all about this little discover by following the link at the top of this post. All in all, this is some exciting news! We've been told that podcast support was on Microsoft's To-Do list, but I had a feeling it would be a while. Now I'm hoping we'll see an update before too long.