The US National Library of Medicine has a great offer to all you medical professionals out there: PubMed On Tap. Previously, this application was only available for PalmOS, but recently support for Pocket PCs has been added with a beta version. With this freeware application, you get to retrieve Medline citations as long as your PDA has a connection to the internet. All they require in return, is that you give feedback on the use of this application.
PubMed on Tap features include several PubMed search limits, a history of previous queries, the ability to email citations or save them to the Memo Pad, a clustered results option, and link-out to full-text Web sites. The project goal is to discover and implement design principles to facillitate practitioners' access to medical information at the point of service. To discover these principles, we need feed back. Here are 2 ways that you can help: 1. give us your comments on our PMoT user forum; 2. fill out our anonymous feedback questionnaire.