06-03-2004, 01:30 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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iPAQ 2200 Series ROM 1.10A Update
HP has released a small revision to the 1.10 ROM upgrade first provided in March. This is a full ROM update, so you'll have to hard reset and won't be able to restore a previous backup. Fixes include:
� Fixes the Sleep Mode SD power drain. � Fixes iPAQ Backup shutdown after 10 seconds when a backup is scheduled. � Fixes the JavaScript event handler to operate correctly. � Updates Bluetooth driver to resolve Bluetooth hang issue. � Enables connectivity bubble to correctly display GPRS status when connected through a proxy. � Contacts: Removes duplicate radio telephone number from Contacts List view. � Replace type short messages are not duplicated. � SMS messages with alphanumeric address are parsed correctly. � Instant Messenger: IM signs in. � Localization: Errant character no longer inserted by Action button on KOR � Settings: Handheld properly returns to Power Off state after an alarm.
"Returns to a Power Off state after an alarm?" Does it now return to a power on state for the alarm first? ;-) I also don't understand some of the inbox fixes, like SMS messages. I've had my 2215 almost a full year and never knew it did SMS. :?
There are also a number of enhancements listed at the HP site.
Update: There is no English version of this ROM, so maybe this is just the same ROM 1.10 for other languages. Their ROM updates have gotten so confusing. 1.10 came out in March, it was redated in April with no apparent change except for the Readme file, a few days later an SD RAM patch was released that should have been in the ROM and now 1.10A is here but no English build. I give up...
06-03-2004, 01:38 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 17
great, but check the drop down on versions you can download..
no english ???
06-03-2004, 02:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 548
Same here... HP is getting a bit confusing...
Carlo GuerreroFot�grafo ProfesionalMicrosoft MVP, Mobile Devices
06-03-2004, 02:13 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 221
It's amusing that the language not available is the one that the details are written in.
Anyway HP, stop messing around with 1.10 ROM versions and get us that WM2003SE ROM out, eh?
06-03-2004, 02:26 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 797
This being only my second Ipaq, I can only say that the sheer volume of updates is terrific; they're improving the product.
But dammit guys, keep your stuff together, will you? Every time an update appears, a driver update appears later, and some other patch pops up.
Never had this with Dell.
Eh, what the heck am I complaining about. I love my 2215 anyway.
06-03-2004, 03:43 PM
06-03-2004, 04:12 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 28
Not to thread crap but... What's the deal with HP? I bought an h4150 and have yet to see any significant updates. Specfiically, I'd like to see LEAP working so could use it in my corporate environment. Considering the h4150/h4155 units a pretty high-end -- what gives?
I'm hoping that they are holding out for a ROM update that includes WM2003SE but considering their lack of focus on this product I'm becoming conerned. I'm happy for all the 22xx owners out there but jealous as well!
Any one have an insider news?
06-03-2004, 04:34 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 71
Nothing new here... been there, done that
Do not pass go, do not collect $200, do not bother... :?
06-03-2004, 05:41 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 110
Adds use of high-quality MIDI playback for alarms and meeting reminders.
I originally thought it was new to the A revision, but it's just formatted differently in the April release. Has anyone tried this feature? Sounds cool.
HP iPAQ h2210 w/ ThinkOutside Bluetooth Foldable Keyboard, Sandisk 256 MB SD card, Sandisk CF 802.11b + 128MB, extra 900mAh battery
06-03-2004, 07:25 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 106
New Update ???
And if you go to www.hp.com, search for drivers and updates for the 2215 the latest version listed is still the April 30, 2004 version. The link you provided shows a May 19 date
And just this second, right before my eyes, they updated that site to show TWO ROM updates for the 2200 series. Now aint that weird......
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series ROM Update � 1.10
30 Apr 04 � 1.00
15 Mar 04
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2210 ROM Update � 1.10.00 A
19 May 04