05-26-2004, 04:00 PM
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Holman Christian Standard Bible For Laridian's Pocket Bible
Laridian is really on the ball. This translation just made it to stores in April of 2004 and Laridian already has it ready for their popular Pocket Bible application.
It is approximately 2.7MB in size and is $14.99. It can reside on your storage card or in a ROM file store.
Why, you might ask, would we need yet another translation? Well, there is some really good information at Lifeway Christian's site, and I can say that, for now, I have switched to using this translation as my primary translation. I've only had it for a week, so that may change in the coming weeks or months, but for now, my NIV translation will be getting a rest. Having used the NIV for over 20 years, it is no small thing to just switch. You can read the online version at the Broadman and Holman site, complete with the footnotes, if you want to get a feel for how the translation reads.
05-26-2004, 04:25 PM
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From a previous thread on this subject, Bob offered a great link on info behind the HCSB.
Originally Posted by rhmorrison
With all of these newer translations emerging recently, it helped to clarify for me the differences, purposes, etc. of the HCSB, the ESV and some of the other recent releases.
05-26-2004, 07:37 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 426
NASB, ESV or HCSB....I like these three the best. ESV to me is a smoothed out reading of the NASB. HCSB is a smoothed out NASB at a slightly easier level than the ESV.
05-26-2004, 08:05 PM
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Which one do you prefer? I've been using the updated NASB for a while and like it, though I've been trying to work through the ESV this year. To keep this somewhat on topic, I have the NASB with Strongs & Greek/Hebrew dictionaries that Laridian offers...good stuff!
05-26-2004, 08:22 PM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 10
You guys are something! Thanks for bringing Laridian to the fore. Their programs are terrific and so useful to me, a pastor. I can study on the run! I probably have a dozen of their programs on my 4150 and they work without a hitch.
05-26-2004, 09:08 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 229
I have this bible study on my E800 (still waiting for more comments on 2003se) but just for a desktop freebee I just found www.e-sword.net. They have an incredible bible study software piece that amazed me. I am going to be asking them for a handheld version.
PDA stuff... Dell Axim 51v with 1g CF and SD card and a LOT of cool software.
05-26-2004, 09:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 426
Originally Posted by pmradio
Which one do you prefer? I've been using the updated NASB for a while and like it, though I've been trying to work through the ESV this year. To keep this somewhat on topic, I have the NASB with Strongs & Greek/Hebrew dictionaries that Laridian offers...good stuff!
I've used the NASB since college so it's near and dear to me too. If I'm studying, it's the NASB. If I'm reading, right now it's the ESV. The HCSB would be my choice for memorization and/or reading. I like all three, but have only been reading the HCSB (NT) since January. Laridian has all three and about a month or two before they "published" their HCSB I emailed them asking if it were coming. They did respond promptly, but their policy is to not let the cat out of the bag. Laridian's great and they even helped me out with an old W95 PC Bible program I use on XP.
05-26-2004, 09:18 PM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 10
I tried and tried to get E-Sword on my handheld (they do have such) but without success
05-26-2004, 09:49 PM
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FWIW, if I am studying, it is Young's Literal Translation. I'd find it hard to believe you could get closer the original Greek and Hebrew than Robert Young did. http://www.bible-researcher.com/young.html is a facinating read. His understanding of how the Hebrew language was used makes a lot of the tense translations in most other versions totally wrong, which can dramatically change their meaning.
Best of all, it is a free version at Laridian for Pocket Bible.
05-26-2004, 10:08 PM
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Ed - Thanks for the tip. I know I've downloaded YLT...just need to start taking a look more often!
drrichard - I too was unsuccessful in getting e-sword to run on my Pocket PC. I tried to free up plenty of RAM...just kept getting errors. Since they offer a free ESV, I wanted to use it, but finally gave up.
baker - I've not tried the HCSB. I'll have to check it out online and consider the purchase from Laridian. I've been using them since I purchased their bible program for my CE 2 device.