05-14-2004, 11:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
PDAaddict Reviews Netfront Access 3.1
Do you sometimes think the limitations of Pocket Internet Explorer are holding you back in your Pocket PC experience? Brad Isaac did, tried Netfront Access 3.1, and although he didn't close his eyes for some flawes, ultimately he liked what he saw.
"Candidly, before NetFront 3.1 I did not see a reason to use the Pocket PC for much browsing at all, it was clunky and slow, thus fairly irritating to use for long. Netfront finally makes browsing with the Pocket PC Easy and enjoyable. I actually look forward to using it from the hotel room or before bed at night. It's tabbed features mimic Opera's very well and it's speed make it a pleasure - sometimes even surprising - to use. I recommend it if you are wanting to bring a taste of powerful desktop browsing to your Pocket PC."
05-15-2004, 12:59 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,734
I have netfront 3.1, and it works well. There is just one very obvious feature I would like- the ability to close a window by clicking on the tab. Currently its about 3-4 clicks to close a window, which is just stupid. Another feature that I would like, but that is not essential, is the ability to load only a single picture, like in PIE, as apposed to all the pictures on a page.
Do these things, and it wll be perfect.