01-17-2007, 02:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,097
Gear Diary Reviews the Vaja Balance Case for Zune
"I am trying to remember the last time that I reviewed a Vaja case and ended up less than pleased. …still trying. After all, it would add so much to my coolness factor if I didn’t get excited every time they sent me a new case to try - if I could remain aloof, if I didn’t stick my nose against the received item trying to catch a whiff like some kind of leather junkie. But I do. If it was just a matter of how the leather smells, then I might be able to restrain myself…but no. Vaja also makes some of the most form-fitting, beautifully designed, long-lasting, and stylish cases on the planet. I’m just stating a fact here; Vaja is to cases, as Ferrari is to cars. With that in mind, Vaja’s prices might make them seem like an over the top extravagance to the casual observer. So I guess the question that must be asked is do you use a particular item enough to justify putting it in such a fine case?"

Judie tends to gush a little over the Zune Vaja case, but that's to be expected a little I think. Historically, Vaja's cases have been top-notch, and judging from Judie's review, I'd say this Zune case is no different. So if you're interested in protecting that lovely Zune, give the review a read.