05-02-2004, 12:00 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
How Much Digital Music?
In a recent post, I reported that a new report said that the ideal size of music player would hold 1000 songs (around 4Gb). I questioned this and in the reply thread we had a good discussion about the pros and cons of different device sizes & options for enjoying digital music. Some folks said that people with more than 30Gb of music formed less than 1% of computer users.
Now, rather than guessing about what the statistics are, I'd like to ask you guys about your music listening habits. A follow-up poll tomorrow will ask how what size of device you use to listen to this music while on the move. Today's question is, how much digital music do you have access to on your main computer / in total? It's the size in Gb I am interested in, rather than the number of songs, as this is a question about storage capacity. So, fire away! 8)
05-02-2004, 12:56 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 4,396
Re: How Much Digital Music?
I have slightly over 2 GB, but could have much more if I ripped my entire CD collection.
That said, here comes the mandatory nitpicking about the poll....
First, some people won't be able to vote. For example, the poll says "up to 1 GB" of music, which technically would not include 1 GB. The next entry is 2 GB to 10 GB, so anybody with 1 GB to 2 GB is excluded.
Also, given the article's finding of 4 GB being what most people wanted, I think you should have centered around that number. 2-10 GB is too great a gap around 4 GB.
Finally, storage is dependent on the format and quality of the files. The article talked about how many songs people wanted, not how much storage was required, so this poll probably should have to.
05-02-2004, 12:56 AM
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about 1,500 songs using VBR WMA9 at the tightest setting and almost at 3GB.
05-02-2004, 12:58 AM
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The question was how much music you have ACCESS to. Technically, if you have an internet connection, you have access to virtually unlimited amount of music. I know I'm being pessimistic, but that is just how I am!
Now what digital music do we actually already have? Well for that, being a more suitable question, I would say about 22GB. That is just because I have ripped all of my albums since I got my iPod. (I needed an excuse for spending that much, so I ripped them all).
I am starting to get a little ticked though because I'm thinking about buying a new computer, and I don't want to have to rip them all again. I guess I could use my iPod for storage until I buy a new one.
Either way, question should be re-worded.
05-02-2004, 01:01 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Being a big anti-piracy advocate, I don't have a lot of music. I listen to analog and Internet radio a lot, and have a few hundred megabytes of songs.
05-02-2004, 01:01 AM
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Posts: 241
ive got 25 gigs (24.7 rather ) i thought it was more like 27 now, but yeah, most of it IS MINE... there are like 300+ cds total, and only like 15 are pirated, and at that are old and that was before i heard the RIAA's threat to kill everyone
but yeah, i wasnt paranoid, so its still taking up space, im not worried as i have 730gb here at the house 8O
[edited] i rip and encode in mp3 using EAC and LAME, set to maximum 320(or maybe 360) kbps VBR. Its the highest quality basically, and usually the VBR average is about 196kbps, rarely lower than 128, and often as high as 320kbps [end]
05-02-2004, 01:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 133
Well - I chose the 2GB to 10GB selection, but I am at the upper end of this (9.8GB), mainly encoded WMA 160bps. Roughly about 2,200 songs.
05-02-2004, 01:28 AM
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Posts: 31
Most of my cd rips are at 160 wma. (For some reason I like the sound quality at that setting.) I must admit to a hundred or so mp3s I downloaded. (would never buy those songs anyway. I know, I know still doesn't make it right but oh well) I have about 18gig worth. Still havn't ripped all my cd's yet. Been collecting them since 1986 and lately, been having a hard time finding the exact one I want to listen too. Having them organized on my computer or on my zen makes it a lot easier.
05-02-2004, 01:31 AM
Join Date: May 2004
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Re: Actually....
Originally Posted by xboxlord
The question was how much music you have ACCESS to. Technically, if you have an internet connection, you have access to virtually unlimited amount of music. I know I'm being pessimistic, but that is just how I am!
I thought of that, too, but figured I had nitpicked the poll enough. :lol:
Of course, you don't even need an Internet connection -- just friends who do or who rip their CDs for you.
05-02-2004, 02:02 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
I chose 50+. Now I have approximately 20 GB on my HDDs plus I have many CDs not yet ripped. I started buying CDs around 20 years ago 8)
So my estimation of the total amount of digital songs I have is around 50 GB so I chose more to have a good margin.