04-17-2004, 12:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
PalmOne Prepares PDA Updates
The Register reports that PalmOne will launch a series of new machines on 28 April. "Top of the list of anticipated models are consumer-oriented Zire 31 and Zire 72 models. Details remain scarce, but both are being advertised for around $170 and $310 apiece. The two products' model numbers are P80708ML3 and P80722ML3, respectively, or P80708US and P80722US in North America. Web rumours suggest the Zire 31 will sport a 160 x 160 colour screen and an SD Card slot for memory expansion. The case features just two application buttons, rather than the usual four." Wow, an upgrade that removed half the buttons? The Zen of Palm strikes again! Homeopathic hardware � if four buttons are good then having half that number is better, right? Roll on the one-button Palm: on and off only! :lol:
"The Zire 72, meanwhile, is said to offer an improved integrated digicam - 1.3 megapixels compares to the 71's 640 x 480 job. It will also contain 64MB of memory, of which 56MB are available to the user. The device is said to have extra buttons to activate the camera and fire up RealPlayer." So, extra buttons for the RealPlayer users? Seems appropriate somehow. :wink:

04-17-2004, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 41
Actually, these both sound like nice units. The price on the Zire 31 concerns me a bit... the low-end magic number is $99 I think. Still, it seems like these devices should sell well in their target (no pun intended) market. Still waiting to see a "hang on the shelf, plastic-wrap" Pocket PC for sale at WalMart.

04-17-2004, 03:30 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 830
Think about that for a sec. Color, sd, arm and os5 for $150! I spent $280 in 2001 for an m125 with B&w, 8mb and 33mhz.
Along with the release of these models, it is very probable that a highend device will deput. Most likely with a pxa27x, wifi, 64 or 128mb of ram, and a half vga screen.

04-17-2004, 03:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 50
Re: PalmOne Prepares PDA Updates
Originally Posted by Jonathon Watkins
The Register reports that PalmOne will launch a series of new machines on 28 April. "Top of the list of anticipated models are consumer-oriented Zire 31 and Zire 72 models. Details remain scarce, but both are being advertised for around $170 and $310 apiece. The two products' model numbers are P80708ML3 and P80722ML3, respectively, or P80708US and P80722US in North America. Web rumours suggest the Zire 31 will sport a 160 x 160 colour screen and an SD Card slot for memory expansion. The case features just two application buttons, rather than the usual four." Wow, an upgrade that removed half the buttons? The Zen of Palm strikes again! Homeopathic hardware � if four buttons are good then having half that number is better, right? Roll on the one-button Palm: on and off only! :lol:
heh, yet another biased comment from PPC user ;-)
do you even realized that palmOne sold over 1,5 milions of the original palm zire ? it is the best sold PDA EVER and specs ?
it had only 2 MB of ram and louse 16mhz processor. and if only 1/3 of these customers would buy tungsten E or even T3 it's really a successul marking strategy how to lock-in prospects ..
you have to look on these figures too :-) show me ANY pc that was sold at least in 1/3 of this amount

04-17-2004, 04:33 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 545
Zire 31 is an UPGRADE
The original Zire was the first with 2 instead of 4 application buttons and they sold a BUNCH! The Zire 31 is a upgrade of the 21 which is an uopgrade of the original zire. My guess is it will be white and have the same form factor as the original Zire.

04-17-2004, 04:48 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
Re: PalmOne Prepares PDA Updates
Originally Posted by orol
heh, yet another biased comment from PPC user ;-)
I'm so glad you put that winky in Orol - you realised the spirit in which it was posted. As a handheld family we are allowed to tease our backward cousins aren't we? :wink:
Originally Posted by orol
do you even realized that palmOne sold over 1,5 milions of the original palm zire ? it is the best sold PDA EVER and specs ?
it had only 2 MB of ram and louse 16mhz processor. and if only 1/3 of these customers would buy tungsten E or even T3 it's really a successul marking strategy how to lock-in prospects ..
you have to look on these figures too :-) show me ANY pc that was sold at least in 1/3 of this amount
True - but hopefully that will change. Palm isn't synonymous with handheld device any more......

04-17-2004, 04:59 PM

04-17-2004, 05:13 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 164
Do either of these models have that pull-tab aluminum cover on 'em? 

04-17-2004, 05:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,055
Well, back in February, I was thinking about waiting for the new Tungsten to come out in April or so with Palm OS 6... well, I ended up purchasing an iPaq 4155 in February, and I'm glad I did!
So where's that Tungsten now? Good thing I didn't wait.

04-17-2004, 06:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 830
os 6 isnt going to appear untill september or october.