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Old 04-06-2004, 01:00 PM
Pat Logsdon
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Default PocketSkype for Pocket PC Now in Public Beta

Skype has released a public beta version of their PocketSkype client. "PocketSkype is free software that enables you to make Skype voice calls using your WiFi-enabled Microsoft PocketPC based handheld computer from any WiFi hotspot." PocketSkype requires a Pocket PC with a 400 MHz processor and Windows Mobile 2003.

I was lucky enough to get into the closed beta, and I've been testing this for the last week or so. It's a very slick program. Voice quality is great, it works fine for calls between the Pocket PC and a desktop client, the installation footprint is only 1.9mb, and you don't even need a headset (although it helps). Your Pocket PC's built-in mic will work, and headphones will ensure that you can clearly hear the person on the other end.

Skype's flavor of VoIP (voice over internet protocol) works over WiFi only, although the Instant Messaging portion of the program works just dandy over GPRS. At the moment, you can only use Skype to talk to other Skype users - there's no cross compatibility with landline phone networks or other VoIP systems. Future VoIP rulings in several countries may change that, however.

If you've been hearing the buzz about VoIP but haven't tried it out yet, now's your chance! Download it and let us know what you think! 8)
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Old 04-06-2004, 01:11 PM
Jon Westfall
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Just thinking - wouldn't it be cool to do this over GPRS. Can you make calls to actual phones (through a gateway) or is it purely VOIP to other devices?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
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Old 04-06-2004, 01:14 PM
David Johnston
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Been playing with this all morning - great fun!

Originally Posted by dadarkmcse
Just thinking - wouldn't it be cool to do this over GPRS. Can you make calls to actual phones (through a gateway) or is it purely VOIP to other devices?
It says in the FAQ that GPRS doesn't have the bandwidth for anything beyond instant messaging. And from the sounds of their 'hiring' page, they're investigating ways to link it into PSTN networks.

I wonder... Skype+3G... hmmm...
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Old 04-06-2004, 01:20 PM
Jonathon Watkins
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Very, very cool! 8) I'll have to give this a go.
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Old 04-06-2004, 02:22 PM
Vincent M Ferrari
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Originally Posted by dadarkmcse
Just thinking - wouldn't it be cool to do this over GPRS. Can you make calls to actual phones (through a gateway) or is it purely VOIP to other devices?
Truth is, most people don't have an all you can eat data plan (as far as I know most are on some sort of metered GPRS connection) so using Skype would devour their bandwidth very quickly...

I think the killer app for this is when you're sitting at a wifi hotspot and you can make a call without having to pay for it. Voip is definitely the future.

As a Mac owner, I had a chance to play with iChat the other night with one of my friends. The sound quality and picture quality were both excellent. The sound quality without the video was even better. I think if that model is where voice over IP (of any kind) has gotten to since I last played with it in the late 90's, the phone companies and cellular companies had better realize they just might be in pretty big trouble...
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Old 04-06-2004, 04:16 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 8
Default Skype on campuses... and VGA-screens for Fall '04

University (and high school, gradeschool?) campuses are potentially very favorable for Skype, since there is quickly growing, almost ubiquitous wireless in buildings like student unions, libraries, classroom buildings, etc. University students and employees have typically had unlimited, no-charge network access, and they like to talk. We'll see whether scarce-bandwidth issues arise!

On a very different note, but still related to campuses... Fall is the beginning of most school years, and I wonder if the native VGA-screen PPC's will be available for start-of-year purchases. That would be nice.
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Old 04-06-2004, 06:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 118
Default headset?

In the post, you mention a headset is a good addition to the software to ensure clarity. I have an iPaq 2215, and as far as I know, I cannot plug in a headset that does more than speakers - ie no wired mike. Am I mistaken? Where would I get a single plug 1/8" headset/mike boom? If I had the 1900 series, I could see a cell phone headset working but what about mine?
Can you shed any light here?
thanx much
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Old 04-06-2004, 06:26 PM
Jason Lee
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Why not just use Microsoft Portrait? It does voice and video over as low as a 9600 baud connection.
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Old 04-06-2004, 06:35 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 8

For me, the major reason is an optomistic expectation that Skype will eventually (soon?) have versions for Mac, Linux, Palm, etc, thus not limiting the participants in a Skype conversation to one religion (uh, operating system).
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Old 04-06-2004, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 65
Default Re: Skype on campuses... and VGA-screens for Fall '04

Originally Posted by mlougee
University (and high school, gradeschool?) campuses are potentially very favorable for Skype, since there is quickly growing, almost ubiquitous wireless in buildings like student unions, libraries, classroom buildings, etc. University students and employees have typically had unlimited, no-charge network access, and they like to talk. We'll see whether scarce-bandwidth issues arise!

On a very different note, but still related to campuses... Fall is the beginning of most school years, and I wonder if the native VGA-screen PPC's will be available for start-of-year purchases. That would be nice.
Another reason why Skype is populour in University campus's is because most of the ports are blocked due to P2P usage; no other VOIP application works in my dorm besides skype. Skype is saving my family thousands of dollars on telephone calls, as I am studying in Poland at the moment...
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