03-30-2004, 04:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Want to Join the Pocket PC Thoughts Review Team?
Do you have a talent for writing and a desire to share you opinions with others? If so, you might be just the type of person we're seeking for the Pocket PC Thoughts review team. We're looking for individuals who enjoy trying out new software and hardware for their Pocket PCs, and who are willing to share what they find with our community. Above all, reviewers enjoy writing on a subject they're passionate about � the biggest difference between a Pocket PC Thoughts reviewer and a reviewer from a mainstream publication is a personal commitment and interest in the subject matter.
Being on the review team is a volunteer position, but hey, fame and glory last forever right? ;-) Reviewers will have the opportunity to try out the latest Pocket PC software and hardware, and be given an opportunity to share their findings with the greater community. Pocket PC Thoughts is a professional publication with established copy editing and layout procedures, so if you're looking to gain experience as a writer, writing for us is good training.
In order to qualify for a permanent position on the review team, we're asking those who are interested to write a sample review of a Pocket PC software title or accessory that they own. The review should be between 500 and 1000 words in length, should be of a current product that's available on the market today, and be based on the Thoughts Media Inc. review template (DOC|PDF). Reviews will be judged on the quality of writing (spelling, grammar, and terseness), the analytical skills of the reviewer, and the adherence to our template. While we have a talented copy editor to help polish up the reviews, you should submit a review that has been checked over several times for accurate spelling, grammar, and working hyperlinks. Sample reviews should be submitted as a single Word document with embedded images. Be sure to keep the original images in the event that your review is selected for publication (once graphics are embedded into a Word document, they lose quality when extracted).
We will be accepting sample reviews up until April 15th, and by May 1st the new members of the Pocket PC Thoughts review team will be announced on the site. Please submit your sample reviews to jason at pocket pc thoughts dot com. If you have any questions that might be relevant to other reviewers, please ask them in this discussion thread. Otherwise, please send me an email, not a private message. Thank you!
03-30-2004, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 172
I might have an interest in this, Jason. I already maintain a site dedicated to helping PDA users (Pocket PC and Palm) use the devices to better manage their time. The site is called Keen PDA, with url = http://www.dkeener.com/keenstuff/index.html (in case you'd like to check out my writing style). I own several hundred dollars worth of Pocket PC software, and I'm always interested in trying out the new stuff. Plus I get a new PDA at least once a year (and can't wait for some of the new high-res devices to come out, as I love the 320x480 screen of my Palm T3). I currently have a Dell Axim X3i, as well as a Palm T3, but all of my future PDAs will continue to be Pocket PCs.
What sort of time commitment are we talking about with this? You can PM me if desired.
Bruce Keener
03-30-2004, 04:45 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 547
Sure, I'd try for the job... I just have to think of a software app to review
Does anyone provide us with the material that we use to review? Because I don't know about buying a new PPC every couple of months, but software apps I can do 8)
Well, let me see what I should review about... you say it should be 500 or so words, eh? Hmm.... *leaves to ponder*
PS: I am wondering about the commitment as well; as I can dedicate a couple of hours (maybe half an hour to a full one to test something, then like six or seven hours to write the review, possibly more if desired) every week to write a review, but if you are talking every single day 8O
03-30-2004, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,479
If its videogames, im game.
I already write commercially about videogames.
03-30-2004, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,398
You don't have to be a gadget-plated professional or famous author to join up. We don't need a Gates or Hemingway (but it wouldn't hurt!). I joined the review team when I was 17 with nothing but a Pocket PC, digital camera, and some free time.
When it comes to software and bobbles/bangles/cases, you usually get to keep the product. I still have my sweet Piel Frama leather case...:drool:
Actual PPCs are almost always sent back to the marketing/sales rep they came from.
What do you have to lose? There's no contract or review quota, and you get free stuff.
03-30-2004, 06:21 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 439
I'm there! Count me in. I'm always looking for the latest, greatest, but with the money situation as it is, and when the decision is between eating and getting a new gadget... Well, that's a tough one, but hunger can be a great motivator! :lol:
03-30-2004, 06:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 12
I would love a job like this, but I am a crappy writer. I guess you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I just have to think of a product to review. hmmm....
03-30-2004, 07:07 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 11
This is old hat to existing reviewers, but how exactly do you take a PPC screen shot?
03-30-2004, 07:15 PM
03-30-2004, 07:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 634
I am definitely interested in doing reviews for the site. I was an English major in college and did a concentration in journalism, so I know how to write and have been published in a national law review. I'm no techie, so my reviews would be from a consumer perspective, but if you're looking for a good writer that has a lot of enthusiasm for Pocket PCs, then I'm the person you want.