03-25-2004, 07:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,186
Dell to Existing Axim Owners: No Update For You!
"Dell will deploy Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition in future Axim products. We have no plans at this time to offer Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition updates for current Axim X3 or Axim X5 products."
Is it just me, or does this make no sense? It can't be all that expensive or difficult to offer the option of an upgrade, especially if TOSHIBA will be giving the update away for free! What makes this even more confusing is that Dell is apparently flashing WM2003SE to Axims at the Mobile Developer Conference in San Francisco. Have those updates been bricking an inordinate number of Axims and we just haven't heard about it, or is this just an ill-conceived effort to save a few bucks?
:razz: I don't even own an Axim anymore and I'm pretty peeved about this. Unless Dell changes their collective mind, I forsee a vast migration to HP or even Toshiba. What do you think?
UPDATE: According to a post on Aximsite, Dell has backed off a bit from their initial statement.
Chris Leckness reports the following: "I received another email from Dell that prompted me to call back. Basically, Dell strives to be a customer oriented company. That said, Dell is not standing firm on the initial statement. What does that mean? Not 100% sure, but my guess would be that Dell would rethink their stategy here with feedback from the customer."
Sounds good so far, Dell. Keep listening to what your customers are saying... :mrgreen:
03-25-2004, 07:03 PM
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That's junk. Dell had an opportunity to really make a mark in this space, but they're systematically screwing it up. This latest "grab the money and run" decision isn't going to help them bring in new business. It will definitely turn away a lot of potential reutrn business as well.
03-25-2004, 07:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 361
What evidence do you have that HP is going to do any better in this respect? (it's just a question, not a jab - I actually own a couple HPs, and I would like to know if I get an update )
03-25-2004, 07:10 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 864
May the wrath of past Toshiba owners be brought upon their head! What did Toshiba and Dell switch executives? This is retarded now 2 PPC vendors I will avoid like the plague: Toshiba (I don't care that they are offering it now too little to late) and now Dell... :soapbox:
03-25-2004, 07:12 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 864
Originally Posted by kagayaki1
What evidence do you have that HP is going to do any better in this respect? (it's just a question, not a jab - I actually own a couple HPs, and I would like to know if I get an update )
RTA! It says in the article...
03-25-2004, 07:12 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,162
Originally Posted by kagayaki1
What evidence do you have that HP is going to do any better in this respect? (it's just a question, not a jab - I actually own a couple HPs, and I would like to know if I get an update )
Someone posted this link which at the bottom claims that their contact at HP said that the 2xxx series and up of current models will get the update.
03-25-2004, 07:14 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 96
The most important feature of the 2nd Ed is the support of VGA mode, screen rotation next. I think Dell make a good business decision not to make it avaiable for the existing Axim owners. However, it would be a dumb decision if the next Axim doesn't offer VGA mode, which I doubt it is gonna to happen.
Axim x3 is consistently the lowest priced PPC one can purchase with all the coupon and discount circulate on the net.
03-25-2004, 07:14 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by entropy1980
May the wrath of past Toshiba owners be brought upon their head! What did Toshiba and Dell switch executives? This is retarded now 2 PPC vendors I will avoid like the plague: Toshiba (I don't care that they are offering it now too little to late) and now Dell... :soapbox:
I was burned by Toshiba and will NEVER buy another Toshiba PDA. While I am not happy about this news from Dell, my Axim X3i is usable without SE.
If Dell is flashing X3's to SE, then it will be available on the web soon enough...
I will say, this may make me look elsewhere for the next PDA....
03-25-2004, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 2,124
Yeah what does the upgrade offer and would it really be worth it to Axim owners with the capabilities of their hardware?
03-25-2004, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 134
Well just wanted to add my 2 cents, to make sure this thread gets long enough that maybe Dell will pay attention.
Heck, they never even fixed their Bluetooth card to work WM2003, I know it's OEM, but still they sold it as theirs , they should support it, they sold me the upgrade, didn't warn me,,,,no resolution still.
Now WM2003SE comes out,,,maybe some better Bluetooth support included in the OS, and what do they do,,,,NOT FOR YOU!