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Old 03-04-2004, 03:00 PM
Jonathon Watkins
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
Default Bluetooth is Only Needed in Europe, says Dell

Following on from our post last week about Dell UK selling a Bluetooth enabled X3, comes this news: �The Bluetooth version of Dell's Axim 3i PDA will only be available in Europe, not in the US. It is not a mistake but a policy, as Bluetooth is "not so broadly needed in the US", the company said. � Hmmm, we�ve chatted about this issue before I seem to recall. :wink:

"Nokia and Ericsson are driving Bluetooth heavily in Europe," said Kris Karppi, Dell EMEA product manager for Axim. "The market for in-vehicle GPS is also greater in Europe, he said, adding that most of these systems use Bluetooth antennae. There are also "a lot of proprietary solutions for cable replacement," he said, and a strong corporate customer base that could drive Bluetooth use. With all that, Dell had "no hesitation at all" in launching a Bluetooth version in Europe, said Karppi." So *that's* why we got the option to buy one in the UK!

�The picture in the US is rather different, showing considerable hesitation and perhaps a U-turn or two. The company told IDG's PC World at the launch that it would "eventually" offer a Bluetooth device, but did not say where, only pointing out that Bluetooth demand is stronger in Europe.�

So, there you go � it's official. North Americans don�t need Bluetooth while Euopeans can't get enough of it. What�s your take? :?:
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Old 03-04-2004, 03:54 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 335

[sarcasm on] Obviously Intel don't have a US Bluetooth implementation, and rather than go with another company Dell will stay in the dark ages... sounds familiar? [sarcasm off]

Bluetooth is only going to be popular when there are a number of low cost devices that are available using the standard. In the US there isn't the demand, but I feel this is a matter of education of the buying public (and some good products).

Dell, Introduce the Bluetooth X3i in the US and see what the demand is. You can always withdraw it in a few months time if it doesn't sell.

My 2c
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Old 03-04-2004, 03:56 PM
Ben Stark
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 18

Sounds good to me!

Let BT die. Bring on UWB.
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:03 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
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In the US our mobile phones and cellular providers are years behind the EU. The CDMA providers keep the US in the dark ages.

My SE T610(T-Mobile) and iPAQ 5450 are a great combination, and I !WOW! my friends and business associates when I am surfing in full color whereever I am with Thunderhawk.

Now, if HP could only get Bluetooth to work reliably onthe 5450.
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:06 PM
Mojo Jojo
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It is the ol' chicken and the egg problem.

No one wants to put out Bluetooth till there is a Bluetooth base. There will be no base until people put out Bluetooth products.

High demands for constant profit have turned companies off the thought of being leaders and instead focuses on being followers where there is less risk. It is a downward spiral.
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:17 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 172

Nah, I don't need bluetooth in the Dell X3i. I don't need it in my Nokia 3650, or my bluetooth dongle, or my bluetooth access point. I don't need it in my T3 either. I never use them...apparently though crossing the pond I'll be magincally transformed into realizing the usefullness of bluetooth. Being in the US, I must not realize how they can be used.

I don't need bluetooth in a Dell X3i, because it didn't have bluetooth, I went out and bought a 4355. See how that works?

I'm glad Dell thinks they know their US consumer, as I never considered the the X3i b/c it lacked bluetooth.

*Sarcasm Intended*
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:28 PM
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I really like the concept of bluetooth - small, personal networks... I would hope that someone smart would create a bluetooth STEREO SYSTEM (geesh - just spent 4 hours setting up a stereo system two days ago for a friend - what a cabling mess) but for myslef, I find bluetooth indespensible for phone/PPC/earpiece connectivity. Who wants to deal with wires going from your PPC to your phone or from your phone to your headset/earpiece?

In that aspect Bluetooth has it's place - but I couldn't see creating a home network using bluetooth - for the "heavier" stuff I prefer WIFI.

We, in the US, seem to be VERY slow picking up on new technology and adapting it for mass use. Are we too stuck in our ways? What is up with our culture that makes us so dang slow to TRY something new out?
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:30 PM
rlobrecht's Avatar
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<sarcasm>Their logic is somewhat correct. The US doesn't need bluetooth in PDAs, because its almost impossible to get a bluetooth cell phone. Syncing over bluetooth is a big hassle, so there's really no reason for Bluetooth.</sarcasm>

Come on Verizon (Sprint, T-Mobile, whoever) give us some decent bluetooth phones!!!
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:54 PM
William Yeung
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Default HK Voice

Haha we in HK already got most great BT phones now (from Sony Ericsson, Nokia...) I can see BT is a great standard- I just hope someone to give us a 3G Bluetooth Phone (e.g. 7650, but still not usable in HK's sole 3G provider >.<

I think bluetooth is a great concept, the implementation still need a bit of work- especially the stability part, which have too much varies from device to device. If thats being standardized, I can imagine bluetooth car control (as oppose to RF being used, should use BT for remote car starter (check Nissan March if you dont know what I talk about...)) BT remote (no line of sight anymore!!) BT gamepad, BT .... I could imagine every cable disappearing :P
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Old 03-04-2004, 05:01 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 238

I don't think I've ever seen one person I know use BT, most of them rather have WiFi. It's like someone else said, who's going to use BT if the companies aren't really pushing the technology. Maybe BT will catch on in the US when the cellular companies catch up with Europe, in like 5 years. By then, something else will have popped up.
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