03-04-2004, 01:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
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DVD To Your Pocket PC
"Put movies in the pocket, let you, your wife and your children watch it while travelling. This software compresses DVDs of your own into memory card. It's simple and fast. Customizable file size from 90 MB to 600 MB. This will be one of the most valuable applications that justifies your purchase of pocket pc."

Shown is the normal screen. You can also encode it to run full screen, but that crops off the edges, just as watching a wide aspect ratio movie on a 4:3 TV ruins the picture. It will also allow you to break the movie up into multiple files so you can split it across memory cards if desired.
It costs $32 and you can buy it at the Pocket PC Handango store. The trial version will only let you rip a few minutes of a DVD for testing.

03-04-2004, 01:48 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,632
Can this be used on Smartphones as well? Are there settings to accomodate the smaller 176 x 220 screen size?

03-04-2004, 02:14 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 476
I took this app for a quick spin (after I submitted it as a news link). Frankly, I was dissappointed.
The install was less than straight forward requiring me to download an updated windows driver (and the link provided in the install didn't work!)
The video looked OK but the sound was terrible! There were plenty of options - but not so many as to confuse the average user - this part I liked. I also liked PocketMVP as the playback engine. But the sound quality is a show stopper for me. The price is also a bit on the high side.

03-04-2004, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
Their ad says 70% more viewing area; but as Ed mentions it, since the software crops (optionally) image on both sides, that's rather 70% LESS viewing area.
The good thing is you can encode in 512 x 240 and view it that way i.e. zoomed out to fill the 320x240 (landscape) screen and with the black strips or 1:1 but with "cropped" strips on each side.
And you can switch between the two modes during playback.
Anybody bought it and can tell how long it takes to convert a standard length -90 min- movie and on what PC config?!

03-04-2004, 03:17 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 449
Originally Posted by Zippper
I took this app for a quick spin (after I submitted it as a news link). Frankly, I was dissappointed.
The install was less than straight forward requiring me to download an updated windows driver (and the link provided in the install didn't work!)
The video looked OK but the sound was terrible! There were plenty of options - but not so many as to confuse the average user - this part I liked. I also liked PocketMVP as the playback engine. But the sound quality is a show stopper for me. The price is also a bit on the high side.
Did you go into the advanced output settings and adjust the auiod quality there? You can make it full stereo, 44 kHz, and very high kbps settings. I'm ripping a movie right now with the basic 22kHz mono, so I'll have to see the quality, but it looked like you could easily bump up the output audio quality.

03-04-2004, 03:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 150
Hmm...I don't know.
I mean, to be able to watch a flick in my hand would be cool, and even with the compression I still couldn't get into it. Memory card prices might still be affordable, but what about a special effects laden or long movie? We are talking about a 1gb card.
I know that you pay a premium for compact size, but for now I'll just stick to my portable dvd player. :wink:

03-04-2004, 03:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 8
DVD To Pocket PC
Bought this software several weeks ago and it is awesome. The file encoding takes a bit of time, and the software, well, it takes a little time to learn. The menu could use some tweaking as its not easy for average user to run. Be patient though. Good things are about to happen. Every movie I encoded had great playback quality. For suggestions on encoding, use the 128MB set for any cartoon type films. For real life action film, use the 256MB set. One more thing>> the support was very good. I had answers to my questions within an hour. Hope this helps>>and the home site... www.makayama.com(' ')

03-04-2004, 04:00 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 476
Originally Posted by Falstaff
Originally Posted by Zippper
I took this app for a quick spin (after I submitted it as a news link). Frankly, I was dissappointed.
The install was less than straight forward requiring me to download an updated windows driver (and the link provided in the install didn't work!)
The video looked OK but the sound was terrible! There were plenty of options - but not so many as to confuse the average user - this part I liked. I also liked PocketMVP as the playback engine. But the sound quality is a show stopper for me. The price is also a bit on the high side.
Did you go into the advanced output settings and adjust the auiod quality there? You can make it full stereo, 44 kHz, and very high kbps settings. I'm ripping a movie right now with the basic 22kHz mono, so I'll have to see the quality, but it looked like you could easily bump up the output audio quality.
Actually - yes, I did play with those settings. I tried 44 kHz stereo and it sounded like crap.

03-04-2004, 04:10 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 476
Re: DVD To Pocket PC
Originally Posted by rfsjr
Bought this software several weeks ago and it is awesome. The file encoding takes a bit of time, and the software, well, it takes a little time to learn. The menu could use some tweaking as its not easy for average user to run. Be patient though. Good things are about to happen. Every movie I encoded had great playback quality. For suggestions on encoding, use the 128MB set for any cartoon type films. For real life action film, use the 256MB set. One more thing>> the support was very good. I had answers to my questions within an hour. Hope this helps>>and the home site... www.makayama.com('  ')
Sorry dude - your confusing this software (Pocket DVD Studio) with another piece of software - DVD-to-Pocket PC.
However - I agree about DVD-to-Pocket PC. It's excellent. Much better than the app this thread is about.

03-04-2004, 04:56 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 157
mmm.... I don't know...
I like WMV. The main reason is because you don't need to install any special application, and it plays in PPC, Smartphone, or regular PC.
I've tried DVD2PPC, and it really is not that good of a program. DVD2PPC basically takes a VOB file. If fist transcode it to MPEG1. Then, it recode the MPEG1 to WMV. The quality is bad because it has gone through 2 different encoding process. Plus, if I was going to do MPEG1 then WMV, there are lots of programs out there I can do it for free.
This program I have never tried before. But it sound just like most oher DIVX making program. Things like Dr.Divx or any of the many other free ones out there. So, I don't know why I would want to spend $30 for something that I can get for free.
What I like to spend money for is an easy-to-use VOB to WMV program. I've tried many ways to make WMV myself. I've used Avisynth and other method, but they have all been very painful. Divx so far have been very easy to make, with just a single click. But I want WMV. Untill someone make a really easy to use WMV program, I don't see the justification to spend $30 for it.