02-15-2004, 12:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Can You Find A Need That Fits This Technology?
Until recently, I hadn't heard of the Pocket PC accessory TiltCONTROL. However, now that PocketNow.com has published a review of this nifty little gadget, I'm intrigued.
"The TiltCONTROL device contains a tiny Accelerometer, which can be used to measure the horizontal and vertical tilt of itself. This tilt angle information is transferred to the attached mobile computing device, where it is processed. Once the angle of tilt has been calculated this information can be used by any application to control what is on the screen, or perform any number of tasks based on the acceleration and tilt of the device."
So, as the PocketNow review describes, this little tool basically allows you to use the angle and position of your Pocket PC much like you'd use the D-pad. For example, TiltCONTROL could conceivably allow you to move RPG characters around the screen simply by tilting your Pocket PC. Cool, huh?
This technology is still kind of unproven, but I can think of a few kinds of games that it would be useful for. What ideas do you have?
02-15-2004, 12:22 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 327
One thing that wood be cool would be to use it as an electronic level.
It would be great with a pinball game.
How about an electronic egg timer?
How about an electronic compass?
02-15-2004, 01:32 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 41
Is it actually acurate and analogue? If it were, it would be great if you could use it as an attitude gauge to indicate pitch and roll etc.
02-15-2004, 01:37 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 318
Could make cool PIE addon for scrolling up and down.
Or how about a satisfing way to turn off an alarm?
02-15-2004, 01:58 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 6,878
Maybe use it to flip pages in an ebook! Take a look at this thread for more info (and more guesses) as well.
"My eyes are rolling back in my head so far I can see my grey matter bubbling and frothing from reading this thread....bleh." JD
02-15-2004, 01:58 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 24
How about enabling a person to remotly control a robot arm, or some mechanic/electrical device?
Aplying it to science or medicine or industry if it works (and is not very limitted) it could be used not only for gaming...
Also it could be used as some kind of a motion alarm: if someone moved the PPC the alarm would go off and the PPC would be rendered useless....
Just some ideas
02-15-2004, 03:26 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 20
Meh. Nintendo had a game that used the same concept about a year and a half ago. Kirby 'Tilt n Tumble'
I can't see any real use except for games.. The problem is that you move the screen at with the device, changing the viewin angle and sometimes making it hard to see.
02-15-2004, 03:43 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 98
Surely it's ideal for Marble Madness?
02-15-2004, 05:17 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 56
There's a similar accelerometer built in to my Toshiba Tablet PC. By default it's used to rotate the screen (hold the tablet any way you want and the screen rotates to face you). It's very cool and useful.
There's also a software utility to let you map actions to the accelerometer, for launching applications or surfing in IE. I find this much less useful.
OTOH, tilting a 6-ounce iPAQ instead of a 4-pound, 12-inch Tablet PC might be more manageable and hence a different story.
02-15-2004, 05:21 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 12
The Microsoft Sidewinder Freestyle Pro game controller uses the same technology. Air bag crash sensors in cars also use accelerometers. The technology is very proven, and when implemented correctly, works very well. The Freestyle Pro controller (though they don't make it anymore) is a great controller for motorcycle games and such. It is very natural.