01-10-2004, 03:56 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Handmark� Previews New Wireless Express Mobile Information Application
"Handmark, the leading developer and publisher of software for smart mobile devices, previewed Handmark Express� a new information system for wireless devices at the 2004 International CES show in Las Vegas. Handmark Express is a wireless information application designed to make the most wanted information faster and easier to access than with the micro-browsers found on wireless PDAs and smartphones.
According to Handmark vice president, Douglas Edwards, "Handmark Express was created for the mobile device user who is always on the go, but wants to stay in the know with what's happening. We capture that idea with the product slogan GO. KNOW.�" Edwards added, 'Express delivers news, weather, sports, and much more, and delivers it almost instantly on demand and automatically with user scheduled updates.' "
This sounds almost like a Web services piece of software - which is a great idea. I'm a big fan of using localized processing power and bits, then only sucking down the bits you need rather than a whole GUI along with it. Long live Web services!
01-11-2004, 06:51 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 516
Re: Handmark� Previews New Wireless Express Mobile Information Application
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
This sounds almost like a Web services piece of software - which is a great idea. I'm a big fan of using localized processing power and bits, then only sucking down the bits you need rather than a whole GUI along with it. Long live Web services!
Is it safe to say, then, that you were a fan of Palm's PQA model?