12-30-2003, 05:00 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
I'm Back from Mexico...brrr it's Cold Here!
Hola Pocket PC Thoughts readers! I'm back from Mexico, and I have almost five hundred email messages staring me in the face. 8O But fear not, I'm feeling very recharged and ready to take on the world again. :way to go: My vacation was wonderful, and I made great use of both my Canon Digital Rebel and my Canon S400 (sometimes it made more sense to carry the "little guy"). I've created a short Pocket PC-formatted video for you to look at either streamed or on your Pocket PC - or streaming onto your Pocket PC if you're REALLY cool.
I carried my Pocket PC with me, mostly for using MobiMate's Worldmate Pro 2004. Because I was in a disconnected state (Fido has no GPRS roaming in Mexico it seems :-() UPDATE: Fido DOES have GPRS roaming in Mexico, it's just that my account didn't have it turned on. Whoops.
I used it as a currency converter, and weather updates for three days, but beyond that I didn't use my Pocket PC for much. It was basically a glorified calculator. ;-) My Smartphone was used for a few phone calls, but without GPRS it's a pretty "dumb" phone (I switched to a Tanager model Smartphone the day before I left, so not much was loaded). My laptop received the most use, both as a mobile gaming platform (I finally had time to play Warcraft III!), and as a photo storage unit and editor (I sure do love Picasa!) I also spent quite a bit of time reading an amazing book: Shogun. Considering my obsession with Japanese culture and design, it's a bit odd that I haven't already read it, but what a book! If you haven't read it, I highly reccomend it - it's not a "fast" read, but it's a good one. The book has also re-kindled my desire to learn to speak Japanese. In a few months I might be asking for volunteers to help me using Skype. :mrgreen:
I'm glad to be back, but boy it's cold here - I went from 27 Celsius to -10 Celsius. Brr! Here are a few pictures of some of the interesting things I saw while I was there:
All told, I took over 600 pictures, but I of course didn't keep that many. Let's just say that I was glad I had my 2.25 GB worth of CF cards. :-D
It's good to be back - now I have a lot of catching up to do...did anyone else go away on a Christmas vacation? Post some pics and tell some stories!
12-30-2003, 05:13 AM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 172
Welcome home! I know you were in Nuevo Vallarta but did you ever venture in to Puerto Vallarta? Did you hit any cool shops, restaurants, or nightspots? Finally, was that pic of the whale taken on a organized excursion or you screwing around? Thanks!
12-30-2003, 05:25 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Jason, is it true that in Mexico people drive fast through intersection traffic lights at night due to robbers and carjacking? I've heard that the taxi drivers don't even stop at red lights, they just blast right through. :lol:
12-30-2003, 05:27 AM
Moderator Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,998
Welcome back!
Cool video. Muvee right? I'm thinking I have to upgrade to v3.
12-30-2003, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 268
How'd you make the video?
12-30-2003, 05:45 AM
Moderator Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,998
Originally Posted by arebelspy
How'd you make the video?
I think he used Muvee, but I'm not sure.
12-30-2003, 05:51 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 190
Looks like you had a good time Jason. I liked Mexico as well. Nice country.
Hey, I see you also have the Canon S400 Elph. I love that little camera. It's what made me decide to give serious Digital fotography a 2nd chance. The battery lasts long enough, the pictures are captured fast, plus it's very simple to use and store.
Hey, I see they sell Viagra pretty freely there, eh?
Happy New Year.
12-30-2003, 05:55 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 206
I am off to mexico tomorrow for a three week vacation. I to will be taking my new Rebel, and was looking forward to seeing some of the vacations shots from Jason's vacation.
Jason, did you take your video camera?
Were the whale shots taken with the Rebel?, If so, I bet it was a lot easier to take them without the normal digital shutter delay.
I am looking forward to relaxing and doing a little underwater photography while snorkelling. I will not miss the cold Canadian weather.
12-30-2003, 05:59 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 437
WB Jason, glad you enjoyed your trip but also glad you're back safe BTW: thanks for that little mention of Picasa, hadn't heard of it before but I checked it out after reading your post. Looks very cool.
12-30-2003, 06:15 AM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 54
Originally Posted by Foo Fighter
Jason, is it true that in Mexico people drive fast through intersection traffic lights at night due to robbers and carjacking? I've heard that the taxi drivers don't even stop at red lights, they just blast right through. :lol:
Hehehehehe :mrgreen: :mrgreen: , that not is 100% true, Mexico is a BIG Country and the Mexico City is the Bigger City in the World, all the poeople are FAST because the City has a Lot Traffic.
And like the Others Countries, the The Taxi Drivers (90%) and the Regular People (90%) respect the laws, the other 10% don't.
The robbers and carjacking is like All the Countries, DEPEND the ZONE, Some Zones are Dangerous others no.