12-16-2003, 10:00 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,060
Skin2Choose Updated
VisionToReality (V2R) has always had one of the nicest tools around for managing and changing Today themes and XDA dialer skins, Skin2Choose. They've just announced both an update to v3.0 and a new way to buy the themes and skins you need.

"Skin2Choose v3.0 includes 10 dialer skins and 10 Today Themes. Additionally, every customer who purchases Skin2Choose before January 1, 2004 will receive 10 free download credits for their Pocket PC Club download site."
This new theme and dialer download system is kind of unique; you buy a prepaid theme "card," which then allows you to download the files you want at a later date. The Web site, like the idea, is very new and still under construction, but if you need to get a better handle on all the themes and dialer skins on your device, you need to give Skin2Choose a try. You can grab a free demo or the registered version for only $4.95 from the V2R or Pocket PC Club sites.

12-16-2003, 07:58 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 116
Neat. I am getting new tires put on and reading ppc thoughts on my xda 2. decided to check out their site. It automatically sent me to their mobile site and i registered for an account and downloaded a free theme right from my xda 2 and when the download was done it took me to the today screen setup, i selected the new file. very cool
I didn't see any dialer screens however
i realy need a keyboard for this thing :!: