01-04-2007, 06:10 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Zune Customer Support Experience Not So Rosy
Ryan Jonasson contacted us recently to share his first Zune customer support experience. While the issue was resolved, there were a few too many bunny hops. Read on to learn more.
"Dec 18 Afternoon. Call 1-800-GET-ZUNE for customer support. Wait time was very fast, was talking to a person almost immediately. After the 1-time product registration (3-4 minutes) told them my earbuds had quit working. I described the problem exactly, that occasionally the right channel would cut out but if I wiggled on the "Y" connector in the middle of the cord that I could get the sound to come back, and I felt there was a loose wire in that connector. The tech I spoke to said that they would replace the earbuds but their computers were down that afternoon so he couldn't open the trouble ticket. They asked me to call back that evening and if I gave them my Zune serial number they would see that he attempted to open a ticket and would complete it. Total time on the phone: 25 minutes.
Dec 18 Evening. Called back on same number to try and open the ticket. Spoke to a tech almost immediately again but this time was told that the warranty didn't cover the earbuds, only the device itself. I told them that I was told they would cover the earbuds but since the computers were down earlier he couldn't open a ticket. Spent around 7-8 minutes on hold while my tech hunted down a manager. Finally came back asking more questions about what was wrong, was I sure it wasn't the jack in the Zune. I convinced him that I was positive it was the earbuds since I could put another set of head phones in my Zune and they worked fine, and I could plug my earbuds into my laptop and had sound issues. Was put on hold for another 5-6 minutes, finally was passed onto a Level 2 technician who again told me the warranty doesn't cover the earbuds but since I was told that afternoon I could get the replaced they would honor that statement. They took down some additional information on shipping addresses and such, and described the return procedures. They would send me a box with return instructions included, and I would send my defective earbuds back (and absolutely nothing else in the box or I wouldn't get those additional items back). When they received the box back they would send me a new set of earbuds. Or I could return the item to the store where I bought it and do a complete return. Told them no thanks, that I've gotten this loaded up with quite a bit of stuff and didn't want to go through that again. I wasn't too happy they wouldn't do an advance exchange but was content enough they would do the replacement so I didn't argue too much. Total time on this call: 27 minutes.
Dec 23. Received a Priority Mail box with a replacement set of earbuds, no return information, no instructions. Holding on to the old set for now, we'll see if they ask for them back.
All in all the earbuds were replaced, but the process should have been a lot easier."
Have any of you contacted Zune Support before? If so, share your story by telling us the good, the bad, and the ugly.