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Old 11-05-2003, 01:00 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default ComputerTimes Asia Hosts a Palm Versus Pocket PC Debate,5104,1554,00.html?

"Can't decide on a new personal digitalassistant (PDA)? Don't just read the brochures; get real advice from the people who know their PDAs inside-out. Computer Times invited two PDA enthusiasts - Alvin Chang from the Singapore Palm Users Group ( and Lee Chee Wee from the Pocket PC enthusiasts' website - to help you decide which platform is right for your needs."

I was really hoping for an interesting read and a solid evaluation of the platforms. Both Pocket PC with the new sleek hardware of the HP iPAQ h1930 coupled with Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC and Palm devices with wireless functionality/storage card capability and the new OS5 are both much improved devices, both in the hardware and software experience.

Fortunately, Chee Wee, representing the Pocket PC camp stuck to this. He presented the facts on Pocket PC 2003 and gave his opinion and own experiences when he switched from the Palm platform. Alvin, unfortunately, had the "Palm Book O'Cliches" out.

"Alvin: Palm OS devices can last from a few days to a few weeks without re-charging. This is because Palm OS devices mostly utilise processors of lower speed ratings (thereby saving valuable battery life) without sacrificing efficiency and usability. I once left my Sony Clie T615 without a charge for more than six months and the data I kept there was still intact!"

Come on Alvin! The T615 is almost 2 years old and can do very little of what you bragged about in the rest of your comments. :roll: Try leaving a T3 uncharged during a few days of use. Still, there are some tidbits of knowledge in there and if you are at all on the fence of which device to purchase, you should check this out.
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Old 11-05-2003, 01:38 PM
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It just seemed like more of a review to me than it did a debate. IN the sense of a debate it was boring, we already knew that information.
I would like to have read what makes a ppc better than palm,oh excuse me, palmone :roll: and what the advantages are. That would have been great for those on the line trying to make a decisiosn.
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Old 11-05-2003, 01:46 PM
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The fact still remains...the only thing palms were ever good for was the fact that they had a really nice look next to our StarTacs. Those days are long gone!!!!
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Old 11-05-2003, 01:48 PM
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multi tasking, need i say more :!: :?: :idea: :mrgreen:
"Do not try. Do or Do Not. There is no try"Yoda, Empire Strikes Back
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:05 PM
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This obviously was not a debate. They just numbered facts on what someone can do with them, and the exposition leaves you thinking you can do pretty much the same things. They missed giving PERFORMANCE and USABILITY comparisons.

For what they had supposedly as their goal, they just failed. It's not giving place for new info to PPCT, just some more fuel for ranting!

Or, was this the purpose of the posting indeed :mrgreen: ?
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:31 PM
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That's a poorly written comparison. It' almost entirely fluff and both Alvin and Chee Wee present several half-truths and/or mistakes. I'd like to say that I would've expected better from a user group president and editor of an enthusiast website/MVP, but I'm actually not surprised. The reality is that few enthusiasts (PDA-professionals or not) produce thorough, well written, even-handed reviews.

A moderated, timed (or limited by word-count), debate would've been more interesting and would've forced them to address the weaknesses of their chosen platforms (as we all know, both Palm and PPC have shortcomings).

Then again, many good points are brought up in forums (here, at Brighthand, and elsewhere) without any response or with only sound-bite-responses (just as it happens with political debates). So perhaps it's wishful thinking to assume that a debate between those two would be any better.
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:39 PM
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Lets give credit where it is due
at least palm alarms work
one of the most important features of a PDA is messy on some pocket pcs, im mad at this right now because my cassiopeia EM-500 always worked fine, now my 1910 is sounding the alarms at random times when i turn it on
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:42 PM
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Default Review?

That was a slam dunk for pocketpc's over palms.
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:44 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 110
Default Re: ComputerTimes Asia Hosts a Palm Versus Pocket PC Debate

Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
"Alvin: Palm OS devices can last from a few days to a few weeks without re-charging. This is because Palm OS devices mostly utilise processors of lower speed ratings (thereby saving valuable battery life) without sacrificing efficiency and usability. I once left my Sony Clie T615 without a charge for more than six months and the data I kept there was still intact!"
I'm continually amazed that Palm Enthusiasts don't shift this arguement onto (for them) stronger ground. It seems to me that one strong advantage of the Palm platform is that it can appeal across a very wide range of potential users. After all if you only want basic PDA functions then you don't need big/colour screens and high speed processors. So you CAN have long battery life. If you want extended capabilities (movies, mp3, games - what ever) then you need better screens/processors etc and bang goes your battery life. Palm do (did at any rate!) offer a broad spectrum of choice.

To imply that Palm can a. be the equivalent off PPC in all things b. runs for six months vs PPC six hours is just plain daft and - surely - not going to fool anyone.
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by HTK
Lets give credit where it is due
at least palm alarms work
This is rather alarming. I don't have any issues with alarms on my PPC2002 Axim. SuperAlert wakes me up every morning and Pocket Informant alarms work fine.

It seems to me that too many people claim alarms are the reason Palms are better, when PPC beats them in everything else. Heck, we even have the best screen resolution now.

If alarms were the thing that mattered most to me, I'd go and buy a clock.
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