10-29-2003, 01:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
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PocketMac Pro 3.0 released
Information Appliance Associates has announced the release of a new version of PocketMac. The list of improvements over the previous versions is pretty impressive. In addition to enhanced support for the existing contact, calendar and tasks sync (with Entourage, iCal & OS X Address Book) they have added tons of new features. With this feature set, this program will go head-to-head with Missing Sync for the Pocket PC. And that's a good thing, since end users like us sure do benefit from competition. Currently the price of PocketMac Pro 3.0 is $41,77.
The enhanced support exists of: � iCal Calendar Synching--PocketMac 3.0's iCal synching supports multiple calendars, is faster, and is more reliable as well. � iCal To-Do/Task Synching--PocketMac 3.0 now offers iCal "To-Do" sync with the Pocket PC's Tasks. � Entourage Synching--PocketMac 3.0's Entourage synching is 83% faster than in version 2.0 and much more reliable as well. � Entourage Synching--PocketMac 3.0's Contact, Calendar & Tasks sync with Entourage synching is 83% faster than in version 2.0 and much more reliable as well.
The new features included with PocketMac Pro 3.0 are: � The PocketMac Theme--PocketMac 3.0 transforms the Pocket PC into a Mac PDA--it actually changes the look & feel of Pocket PCs with Macintosh buttons & backgrounds. � Complete Support For Pocket PC 2003 Edition--PocketMac 3.0 has full support for the new Pocket PC 2003 PDA without sacrificing support for models previously supported by PocketMac. � E-Mail Synching--PocketMac 3.0 offers complete e-mail synching with Entourage and Apple's Mail.app. � Bluetooth--PocketMac 3.0 offers complete support for wireless synching with Pocket PCs over Bluetooth or Airport (802.11b). � Installation Of Pocket PC Software--Pocketmac 3.0 offers rich support for the installation of Pocket PC software whether the developer has provided a Windows EXE or a CAB file. The install process is even simpler than on a Windows-based PC. � Installation Of Pocket PC Themes--PocketMac 3.0 offers one-click support for the installation of Pocket PC themes. � Avantgo--PocketMac 3.0 has built-in support for Avantgo's channel network. � Mazingo--PocketMac 3.0 has built-in support Mazingo's channel network. � WebFavorites--PocketMac 3.0 offers the ability to sync users' favorite websites to the Pocket PC for offline browsing. � iSync Integration--PocketMac 3.0 offers integration with Apple's iSync. � iTunes--PocketMac 3.0 supports the synching of users' MP3s with their Pocket PC with iTunes. � iPhoto--PocketMac 3.0 supports the synching of users' photos and pictures with their Pocket PC using iPhoto. � Desktop Mounting--Now, PocketMac 3.0 can mount the Pocket PC's memory and/or any of the Pocket PC's storage cards on the desktop for greater integration with Finder. � Sync on Connect--When PocketMac 3.0 users put their device in their USB cradle, PocketMac will automatically sync their Pocket PC with their Mac; they do not have to manually initiate a sync each time. � Internet Passthrough--PocketMac 3.0 allows users to have their Pocket PC "piggyback" on their Mac's internet connection, allowing them to exchange email, view websites and more directly from their Pocket PC while it's connected to their Mac. � Custom File Copy--PocketMac 3.0 allows users to ensure one or more files they select will be copied from the Mac to the Pocket PC every time their device is synched. This is useful for "publishing" Word documents, spreadsheets or other data to the Pocket PC only. � Support For Now Contact--PocketMac 3.0 now includes support for synching Now Contact with your Pocket PC contacts (Requires Now Contact).

10-29-2003, 01:20 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 597
Re: PocketMac Pro 3.0 released
Originally Posted by Marlof Bregonje
� Installation Of Pocket PC Software--Pocketmac 3.0 offers rich support for the installation of Pocket PC software whether the developer has provided a Windows EXE or a CAB file. The install process is even simpler than on a Windows-based PC.
I wonder how well this actually works to extract the CAB from the EXE file. Anyone have first-hand experience with this?
� Mazingo--PocketMac 3.0 has built-in support Mazingo's channel network.
Oops. :wink:

10-29-2003, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 10
I was a HUGE critic of PocketMac's previous versions. I could never get it to work and support was non-existant.
When this new version came out, PM offered it to me for $5 because I was one of their first customers. All that I can say is that it works! I've been sync'ing to Entourage and have had no problems with it.

10-29-2003, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 98
I was in the same boat and I was pleasantly surprised to see how well this new version works. The only slow thing is file transfers (which are also painfully slow using Missing Sync). The rest has been pretty reliable for me so far.
This new version also integrates into iPhoto and iTunes pretty well.
It even works on my iPaq 5555 which I never could get to work correctly with Missing Sync (because of their troublesome registration/authentication mechanism).

10-29-2003, 04:40 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 33
Thumbs up here too!
:way to go:
I also got in on the $5.00 deal and have had no problems with this version under OS X Jag 10.2.8 with an Ipaq 1940 model.

10-29-2003, 07:38 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 864
Anybody try it yet on Panther? I might pick up a copy but I am torn between Missing Sync and this... and Pocket Mac had so many problems early on that I am a little leary....

10-30-2003, 01:14 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 9
I also got in on the $5 deal, as I used PocketMac 2.0 Pro, which did not work very well...however, the new version works perfectly....I can sync with my Mac and my Windows machine...both with bluetooth (IPAQ 5450)....a great application for the Mac....as for Panther, I just did the upgrade to my Titanium Powerbook...PocketMac works just fine...no change after the upgrade to the OS....
Sometimes the installer can find a .cab file within an .exe file to install Pocket PC software and sometimes not....that is the only variable you run into when tied to the Mac....
But otherwise, a great program....

10-30-2003, 01:24 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 103
I'm still waiting for confirmation that Missing Sync is Panther-friendly. So far, on the their mailing list a few people said it works, but the list is strangely silent on any official support. Also, TMS keeps asking me if I want to overwrite one of my existing partnerships or log in as guest. It doesn't matter what I select since it'll just ask again on next sync. This was supposedly fixed - what - two versions ago. These little bugs that keep popping back up are frustrating.
The one thing that pocketmac seems to have is entourage support - any word on if it supports Bluetooth and Wifi the way TMS does? There's been some problems installing files over bluetooth in this latest 1.02 release of TMS.
But I must say that iSync handles syncing two bluetooth devices nicely (Nokia 3650, Ipaq 2210).
But as for extracting cabs from exe's, it's hit or miss because of how developers bundle their programs. I really wish that these companies would wake up and realise that other platform users wish to buy their software too. We shouldn't have to email and beg. Maybe they'll wake up as time goes on... but in the meantime most programs have to be installed via pc just because it's against their religion to give easily extractable cabs. 
Please - any developers reading this, there are legions of mac users that would love to test and buy your programs - but you have to give us the chance!

10-30-2003, 07:30 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 72
Does PocketMac offer a demo? I am currently using MissingSync, but have become frustrated with some problems I have been having with my 1940 and iCal. Also, if I buy PocketMac, what necessary steps do I have to take to completely remove MissingSync in order to not receive any conflicts or errors if I choose to run PocketMac?

11-03-2003, 04:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 8
I'm a little late to this thread. I wonder why the concern for CAB files. I was under the impression that CABs are available on Handango's Mobile site for most programs.