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Old 10-16-2003, 04:42 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default Tek 'n Toys Clarifies Ordering Issues

There have been a few glitches with our new affiliate partner Tek 'n Toys, and Todd Werbowski, owner of the company, asked me to pass this message along to you:

"Hello and thank you to everyone who has visited Tek �n Toys Inc.�s site over the last week. Some of you have noticed some deficiencies and brought them to our attention. For this I must say thank you, as we strive to provide our clients with the most comfortable purchasing experience possible. In taking our site international, two major issues that were unknown to us when our sales were just within Canada came startlingly clear.

Even though our site is not to charge anyone outside of Canada GST (Goods and Services Tax) it was doing so. This has been changed so that now there are no sales taxes charged. The price you see is the price you pay. Tek �n Toys has always believed in charging the lowest price available to us and we do so by charging a set markup not the suggested retail price like some of our competitors.

Second is the shipping charge. In our dealings with UPS it was stated that all items were to be rounded up to the nearest whole number. So an item that weighs 0.15 KG would have to be rounded up to an even 1.0 KG. This did not adversely affect short distance deliveries but overseas deliveries started to notice a huge difference. This has now been rectified and at check out you will see the actual dimensions listed. UPS supplies our shipping estimates and they use dimensional weight for their calculations. I am asking readers to try their orders again and please let me know if you see a difference. If you do then please show your support of our affiliate partners by completing your order. If you see any other changes or suggestions please email us at [email protected] and we will look into implementing as many as possible in the near future."
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Old 10-16-2003, 08:09 PM
peterawest's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 155

This kind of response is very nice to see.

On the first day you mentioned this new affiliate partner I visited their web site and looked for some WiFi hardware. It wasn't on their site yet, and I found some minor errors in the way their search worked.

I took a moment to write them about it and to ask about the likelihood that the hardware I was looking for would be added.

In a very short time they responded, first thanking me for pointing out the page problem, and then gave me a nice answer about the WiFi stuff I wanted.

It's not often you see this kind of quick customer service. Thanks for bringing them to our attention.
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