10-09-2003, 07:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Asus A620BT Released
On October 7, Asus today unveiled an updated version of its MyPal A620 Pocket PC that integrates Bluetooth into the slimline package - claimed by the manufacturer to be the thinnest and lightest Pocket PC device with a Type II Compact Flash slot."

Other features include: � The Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 � 400MHz Intel XScale PXA255 processor � 64MB of ROM and 64MB RAM (58.7MB of which is available to the user). � Built-in rechargeable battery that offers 19 hours' usage 8O
No word on pricing or expected ship dates.

10-09-2003, 07:18 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
From what I have heard, this is the by far the fastest Pocket PC yet in video performance. Several fold increase over the 221x device I am told and an excellent platform for gaming.
Jonathan (JonnoB)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

10-09-2003, 07:22 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 251
Re: Asus A620BT Released
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
• Built-in rechargeable battery that offers 19 hours' usage 8O
I'll believe that when I see it. :roll:

10-09-2003, 07:29 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 171
I still want the XDA II. I'm tired of carrying both a cell and PDA. I want something with more than 64 MB too.

10-09-2003, 08:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 53
Sounds good to me
Thin, light, Compact Flash, and the fastest graphics performance available! As a game developer, I'd love one of these, if I wasn't obsessing over a Smartphone instead.

10-09-2003, 08:27 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 209
Drop a GSM radio, and WiFi in it and there you are......
And there you are.
I was just thinking, "What could take this headache I have over that edge to a full blown migrane?"
And there you are.
- Dr. Cox, Scrubs

10-09-2003, 08:33 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
Originally Posted by jpaq
Drop a GSM radio, and WiFi in it and there you are......
There is a WiFi version of this device as well from what I understand. I am not sure of a combo WiFi/BT device though.
Jonathan (JonnoB)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

10-09-2003, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 351
Originally Posted by bkerrins
I still want the XDA II. I'm tired of carrying both a cell and PDA. I want something with more than 64 MB too.
I want a pocket pc phone the size of the new SE P900 with a CF slot..
iPhone / iPod(s) / Mac Desktop & Portables.. yet I'm a Windows/MS Platform Dev ;)

10-09-2003, 09:18 PM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 22
Why can't they make a flip cover at least optional? This thing would be perfectly comfortable in your jeans pocket if it didn't have to balloon when you put it in a case.
If it�s not small it stays home.
If it's not comfortable in my jeans pocket it won't be there and I won't use it unless I carry it in a bag, coat or big clown pants. In which case why not get something a little bigger w/ more features.

10-09-2003, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 204
Well my next pocket pc MUST have wifi/BT/GSM/CAMERA/SDIO/1900 form factor
hope hp is not far from such device (they are only missing GSM/camera they've done the rest )