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Old 09-18-2003, 09:00 AM
Brad Adrian
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Default Mobile Printing DOES Work!

I know that printing has never been a particular strength of Pocket PCs. There is a dearth of applications and drivers, and usually, by the time I install them and figure out how to get them to work, I realize it would've been faster to have a monk transcribe the documents by hand. Last week, though, I found out that HP's Mobile Printing application really does work, and it works wonderfully!

I was speaking at a conference and had a few last-minute thoughts I wanted to include in my presentation. So, I jotted down a few sentences on my notebook PC. But, when I took my PC to our workroom to print it, I found out that nobody had bothered to actually connect the printer to the network we had set up! Luckily, it was an HP960C printer, which has an infrared port. Since I had already copied my Word document to my HP2215 (as a form of on-the-road backup), all I had to do was align the IR ports, perform a few screen taps with the free HP mobile printing application, and watch the document roll off the printer. Man, my co-workers (who were still fuming about not being able to print) were impressed!

Printing this way isn't perfect, because only certain types of documents can be printed. However, I used it throughout the week to share reports and fine-tune my other presentations.

What about you? Have you been able to print from your Pocket PC?
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:05 AM
reydiodj's Avatar
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Yeah - I've been quite pleased with the results I get having both tried the 2002 and 2003 versions. I beam email and note documents to my hp 2200dn from any of my Pocket PCs for a quick test and to impress new users - it never fails! I've got the Clear Vue software to be able to print the other robust types of files but haven't had the time as of yet to test them.
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 541

Yes, at work, using the hp Printing System on an hp printer from an hp Jornada 568. Unfortunately they have now replaced the printer with a 'better' model that does not have an IrDA port.
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:41 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 252

Originally Posted by rhmorrison
Yes, at work, using the hp Printing System on an hp printer from an hp Jornada 568. Unfortunately they have now replaced the printer with a 'better' model that does not have an IrDA port.
That is a real pain. I suppose that Hp's view is that the type of installation that say an HP8000 will go into will be a enterprise network.

I have often wanted to printed at client sites who don't want any old Tom, Dick or Harry connecting and having an IRDA port on a network printer would solve the problem for both my laptop and pda.

I have managed to print a few things from my Ipaq however. Generally I had to wander round the building until finding a 2200 or similar.

I do think that HP really deserve a big pat on the back for making this freely available.
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Old 09-18-2003, 10:33 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 120

It's a very handy application - even got the iPAQ printing over Bluetooth (through the PC the HP LaserJet is connected to)
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Old 09-18-2003, 11:31 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 11

I have also gotten bluetooth printing through my pc to work. I have printed some photos that way.
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Old 09-18-2003, 12:10 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 90

Does the same apply to something like the Anycom bluetooth printing module?
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Old 09-18-2003, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 434

Anybody know if the hp mobile printing software will work with a Canon i70 printer?
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Old 09-18-2003, 01:29 PM
David Prahl
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,398

I used to use my..... ops: palm ... ops: to print via infrared. It was so easy!

I've also used a 3rd party app to print over IrDa on my X5. Pretty slick!
The One Nerd Band
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Old 09-18-2003, 01:41 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 17

I've managed to print in work using IR port and at home using my wifi network on a HP 950 printer. I am very impressed with the HP software but it can be a resource hog on my trusty 568.
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