09-09-2003, 02:30 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 15,171
Verizon Starting 3G Upgrades
It looks like future CDMA technologies are not too far away -- Verizon has just purchased a billion dollars worth of CDMA 1xRTT and 1xEV-DO equipment from Nortel.
"The CDMA20001x EV-DO gear will be used to prepare a next-generation network in San Diego for its fall commercial debut, Linskey said. If the equipment works out, the Nortel deal could be just the beginning of a new spending round, she said. 'This is a commercial launch, and we're using it as a proving ground for further capital expenditure,' she said. The technology in the San Diego network would provide wireless broadband downloads of 700kbps (kilobits per second)--about 10 times faster than those available through Verizon's current network. The carrier plans to launch a similar next-generation commercial service in Washington, D.C., according to Linskey."
While Wi-Fi may have useful MAN or LAN applications, I think solutions like 1xEV-DO and 1xEV-DV will have a very important place in making our devices more practically wireless. With a 1xEV-DO solution, you could have a phone or Pocket PC with reasonably high-quality streaming video. Now let's just see how Verizon prices it...

09-09-2003, 02:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
Verizon recently released its push-to-talk (PTT) phones and service. They are on the ball it would seem. Now, how about a good 2003 MS SmartPhone? Does the SmartPhone OS even support PTT?
Jonathan (JonnoB)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

09-09-2003, 03:00 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 24
Originally Posted by JonnoB
Verizon recently released its push-to-talk (PTT) phones and service. They are on the ball it would seem. Now, how about a good 2003 MS SmartPhone? Does the SmartPhone OS even support PTT?
will we need new phones or will existing 3g phones like the samsung i700 be able to support these new high speeds?

09-09-2003, 03:03 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Originally Posted by JonnoB
Now, how about a good 2003 MS SmartPhone? Does the SmartPhone OS even support PTT?
Ah..don't count on it anytime soon. Verizon is insanely conservative. They are only just now offering their first camera phone. Have a look at their current selection of mobile handsets. It stinks! I've been holding out hope Verizon will offer the Treo 600 and MS Smartphones, but I'm not holding my breath. Perhaps sometime late next year? :roll:

09-09-2003, 06:22 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 20
What about Bluetooth
Was at my local Verizon store this weekend to inquire if they would be carrying any Bluetooth enabled phones anytime soon. The rep told me that Bluetooth technology is not compatible with the CDMA network, and therefore, Verizon has no plans to offer Bluetooth phones. Admitedly, I am new to both Pocket PC's and wireless data networks, but it doesn't seem to make sense. Anyone know if this is actually the case, and if so, is there any other way to wirelessly connect my Pocket PC to a cell phone using Verizons network to surf the web?

09-09-2003, 09:23 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 24
Re: What about Bluetooth
Originally Posted by mochegod
Was at my local Verizon store this weekend to inquire if they would be carrying any Bluetooth enabled phones anytime soon. The rep told me that Bluetooth technology is not compatible with the CDMA network, and therefore, Verizon has no plans to offer Bluetooth phones. Admitedly, I am new to both Pocket PC's and wireless data networks, but it doesn't seem to make sense. Anyone know if this is actually the case, and if so, is there any other way to wirelessly connect my Pocket PC to a cell phone using Verizons network to surf the web?
It is good to see that the sprintPCS reps are not the only ones who provide wrong information. I've never heard something so hilarious. BT and CDMA should work fine toghether (sprint may be releasing a BT phone soon - the Sony Ericson T608 - if they ever get their act together). BT and CDMA are compatible. The VZW rep you spoke to is smoking something.

09-09-2003, 02:23 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 338
As a heavy user of the Verizon Wireless 1xRTT data network (11,000 minutes in one month!) I can only say I'm excited to see Verizon commit to this new equipment. It tells me two things:
1) The 1xRTT network is profitable (why build a new generation network if what you have doesn't make money.)
2) Verizon sees the needs of it's customers to connect to the internet at higher speeds as a great economic opportunity. (Why commit to spending that much money to buy equipment unless you think there is a need.)
Once this rolls out in Seattle I'll be in line for it
As for Verizon's weakness so eloquently brought up here: Customer service and phones!!! What can I say... these reps they have working in the stores don't know much ... and what they try to know... they are sorely "behind the times." On the phone front, geeeeezzz let's get with it Verizon.. Bluetooth, Bluetooth, Bluetooth!!!!

09-09-2003, 02:38 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 797
Re: What about Bluetooth
Originally Posted by mochegod
Was at my local Verizon store this weekend to inquire if they would be carrying any Bluetooth enabled phones anytime soon. The rep told me that Bluetooth technology is not compatible with the CDMA network, and therefore, Verizon has no plans to offer Bluetooth phones.
I think this rep's name should be publicly displayed and the address of the store distributed so that we all my flog him for his stupidity! :twak:

09-09-2003, 03:03 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 36
Until Verizon can get their head out of you-know-where and offer true inter-carrier international SMS, I won't go back to them and stay instead with T-Mobile. C'mon, Verizon, it ain't that hard, InphoMatch has it all set up and ready for you to deploy!!!

09-09-2003, 05:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 32
Conservative, Verizonwireless sure is (overly so).
I, too, have been waiting (and waiting) for them to release an MS Smartphone.
Good news is here.
When verizon-rep's start going to usergroup meetings and showing off their soon-to-debut MS Smartphone, that tells me it's coming, and soon:
Don't waste money on the current set of DOS-esque, albeit color, phones. Phone operating systems are about to witness a revolution, clearing away the debris of WAP et al, embracing the world of rich color and GUI. Buying one of the new, color phones today is like buying a VIC-20 when the release of the Macintosh is a mere few months away.
"Patience is a primary ingredient of stability."
.rob adams