08-28-2003, 03:00 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 15,171
PDA Buyer's Guide Reviews the NEC MobilePro 900
I noticed that NEC was in the process of releasing a new Handheld PC at CeBIT America this year, and I was quite impressed: the keys were large enough to make this HPC essentially touch-typeable. Lisa of PDABuyersGuide agrees:
"This is an absolutely great unit for vertical markets, sales force automation and the like. The MobilePro 900 is also the perfect companion to writers on the go who value a true touch typeable keyboard, durability and extreme portability. The processor and memory match high-end Pocket PCs, and the unit can be used on wired and wireless Ethernet networks. This unit is not intended to be a pocketable, carry-anywhere PIM and multimedia device. The NEC is closer to a desktop replacement since it has not only Pocket versions of Word and Excel, but also PowerPoint and Access."
I'm wondering if I should get one of these as a complement to my Pocket PC, to replace my laptop, for rapid note-taking; I'm always looking for solutions to reduce the amount of weight I carry as I trek through the city every day, and I've essentially stopped carrying my laptop for the time being. Oh, the choices!
08-28-2003, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1
NEC hasn't changed the MobilePro design for years. I used the 770 in college, and the keyboard is great. It's nowhere near pocketable, but for times when data entry is more important than size it's wonderful.
08-28-2003, 04:12 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
The biggest problem with the HPC platform is that it's dead. :lol: That makes it difficult to find new software for it. If you're ok with it functioning as a mostly closed platform and using what's in the box, this looks like a sweet device.
08-30-2003, 02:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,049
Did you know you can get the Fujitsu p1000 for around the same amount of money? It is close to the same size and weight, and it is actually running XP. You wouldnt have to worry about software upgrades and the such not being offered. I have seen the NEC, and as has been said, it is dead. Looks great but there just isnt enough 3rd party software in my opinion to justify it at all. If looks were all that counted, we sure would see the loss of some exisiting pda's on the market. I do agree it looks cool, I had considered getting one myself if I had the funds, but then I still went back again to the Fujitsu P1000
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