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Old 08-26-2003, 07:20 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default PDA Avenue Reviews iPAQ 1930

We've just learned about the official release of the HP iPAQ 1930, and already PDA Avenue has published a review on it! 8O How's that for speed? Here's their summary of the device - but be sure to check out the full review!

"The handheld packs a lot for its price. While it's far from perfect, many of h1935 'faults' like lack of bluetooth and Flash ROM storage are available with its pricier cousin � the h1940. So when a buyer opted for the lower price of the h1930, he really should have known of the tradeoffs and shouldn't complain about the omissions. Overall, it's a good general purpose handheld. Heavy gaming enthusiasts are better off with the more powerful h2210. Those that need bluetooth and the extra storage should consider the h1940, those that will like to use their handheld as a digital album will be better off with the similarly priced h1910 and its brilliant screen. All others, specially penny pinchers, will be very happy with the h1935. At $199, after rebates, it's one of the lowest priced new color screen handheld. Whether as a first handheld or an upgrade from a lesser one (e.g. Palm Zire), the HP iPAQ h1935 offer acceptable speed and a decent set of features, very good for it's price."
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Old 08-26-2003, 07:46 PM
Kevin Remhof
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 222
Default Screen... yellow...

Darn, the screen is the same as from the 194x series. Same yellowish tone. I guess I'll hold off on drooling over this otherwise decent iPaq.
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Old 08-26-2003, 08:27 PM
Join Date: Nov 2003
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It's interesting that in the few reviews I've read for the 193x/194x have not put the mini-headphone jack and lack of support for key/thumb-board support in there list of cons...

Is it just me or do these two things not weigh very heavily to most people?[/code]
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Old 08-26-2003, 08:29 PM
Janak Parekh
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Originally Posted by jfreiman
It's interesting that in the few reviews I've read for the 193x/194x have not put the mini-headphone jack and lack of support for key/thumb-board support in there list of cons...
I believe the two now come with adapters so you can use any standard 3.5mm earphones, so it's mitigated. I used such an adapter with my PPCPE and it's not too annoying -- just leave it attached to your headphones and you're set.

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Old 08-26-2003, 09:13 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
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As posted in the review, the included 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter, makes it a non-issue. Personally, I'd never use a thumbboard myself, so does not hurt my view of the handheld. Besides, who knows, if the 1900 series continue to sell as it has, someone just might make one...
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Old 08-26-2003, 11:47 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Originally Posted by Janak Parekh
Originally Posted by jfreiman
It's interesting that in the few reviews I've read for the 193x/194x have not put the mini-headphone jack and lack of support for key/thumb-board support in there list of cons...
I believe the two now come with adapters so you can use any standard 3.5mm earphones, so it's mitigated. I used such an adapter with my PPCPE and it's not too annoying -- just leave it attached to your headphones and you're set.

for the pocket pc phone it makes a little sense that they would use the phone sized mic and i'll tolerate the radio shack adaptor sticking out 1 1/2 inches or paying the extra 15 bucks for the pc techs adaptor, but it makes no sense for the 19xx series to use the phone sized jack and therefore is extra annoying to consider an adaptor.

so although there's a work around, its pretty kludgy! and i'd consider it a con....
I compute, therefore I am. BrainThoughts
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Old 08-27-2003, 02:26 AM
Timothy Rapson
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414

I see this is one of the few models installing the professional rather than premium OS. If this is a direct carryover from PPC 2002, that means that not only does Reader need to be installed, the spell checker is not included.

Maybe this changed between PPC 2002 and WM 2003 as the spell checker includes an auto-correct and auto-suggest feature. This would be one of the things that might get some to spend more on the 1940 or buy a Toshiba E355 or Axim.

Still, an amazing deal. And so tiny!
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Old 08-27-2003, 06:52 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 12

Spell checker is preinstalled on the 1930, MS Reader is not. The 1940 also uses the professional version of WM2003.
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Old 08-27-2003, 07:59 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 548

The 1930 is still a sweet device...

Truning a 1910 into a faster machine with the new 206MHz processor and adding WMP9 it can play 240x320 video clps at 20fps and up.

The 1940 can easily hit 24fps which makes video really fluid.

As for the casing, can anyone confirm if it is indeed plastic? I've had a 1910 and it felt liket was made of all die-cast metal... aluminum probably... and the current ones are using the same casing except that the top half is no longer in iPAQ Satin Finish... but painted silver... as it is with the 2210... but the detail and finish still suggest some kind of metal instead of plastic... just like the Jornada 568 which was totally made of metal... I should know... I've seen it stripped down and sanded down to show the metal... 8O

Mabuhay! ~ Carlo
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