08-25-2003, 10:15 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Read Instructions, Pay Bills
I had some Flash ROM problems last week. It all started with my iPAQ 3970. Bluetooth Manager crashed on me all the time when trying to connect to a Navman GPS 4400 over Bluetooth. For some awkward reason, HP decided to build Bluetooth Manager's data store on CEDB and ADOCE 3.0 (instead of in the registry or local XML files). The result is a crashing conflict between ADOCE 3.0 and ADOCE 3.1. Instead of just simply hard resetting my iPAQ 3970, I decided to upgrade to ROM version 2.10 since I had version 2.0. I downloaded version 2.10 and started the upgrade process. It stopped at 11%. Instructions said I should restart which I did. Stopped at 11%. I tried downloading the upgrade files again, re-booted my PC and tried again. It stopped at 11%. Now I should have read instructions, but instead I decided to hard reset the device and hope it would go back to version 2.0. It did not. It died. Instructions would have told me that hard resetting the device if the upgrade fails is a big no-no. UPS picked up my iPAQ 3970 last Thursday and I got it back Monday morning. Upgraded to version 2.10. I don't like Bluetooth Manager. I like HP Service.
Then I got some problems with my XDA (Pocket PC Phone Edition). I never got GPRS to work with the radio stack I used, so I decided to upgrade (actually downgrade) using an installation kit from the Swedish distributor. I got GPRS working immediately! But the day after the radio stack installation calling and answering phone calls didn't work. I tried reflashing the radio stack with all kinds of versions, until the radio stack didn't want to be reflashed anymore. The radio stack upgrade got stuck. I shipped it to people who can help. Just for fun, I tried the SIM card in another phone. Didn't work there either. I called my carrier to check the status of my subscription. They had temporarily shut it off (the day after my radio stack installation) because... and don't laugh, I had missed paying my monthly bill. Never has happened before. Now payed and all settled.
So, new week and all. Read instructions and pay your bills.
08-25-2003, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 276
Jeez, what a week you've had :drinking:
I had it bad a few weeks ago, more specifically on Wednesday the 13th, when the copymachine wouldn't cooperate and the scanner didn't scan page number 27 (but all other pages). :worried:
The more techincal we get, the bigger our problems get (when we get them). :roll:
08-25-2003, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 50
It's situations like that which bring out the desire to convert ordinary peices of electronic equipment into high speed projectiles. Unfortunately, that usually results only in window or drywall repair costs... plus device replacement. :? A person needs to sit and find his / her center... focus on that which is good in the world... etc. Perhaps the positive would be the speed in which Andy's device was replaced, which could have been a lot worse. I mean, a problem with the Flash ROM is a problem regardless, which would have necessitated a replacement one way or another. Right? And... ummm... not paying a bill is only a human mistake, right? :wink:
08-25-2003, 01:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414
RE"HP decided to build Bluetooth Manager's data store on CEDB and ADOCE 3.0 (instead of in the registry or local XML files). The result is a crashing conflict between ADOCE 3.0 and ADOCE 3.1. Instead of just simply hard resetting my iPAQ 3970,"......
Sometimes I wonder if it really is 2003. This sort of work should never need to be done by an end user. If PDAs and computers can't be made click and go easy, the world will never join in.
But, then again, inadvertently not paying bills is as old a problem as forgetting to plug the dumb appliance in.
Works now, though? And it's really cool? The Geeks will keep cutting a path for the rest of us risking the headaches that go with being on the cutting edge.
08-25-2003, 02:18 PM
08-25-2003, 02:40 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Originally Posted by Timothy Rapson
Sometimes I wonder if it really is 2003. This sort of work should never need to be done by an end user. If PDAs and computers can't be made click and go easy, the world will never join in.
But, then again, inadvertently not paying bills is as old a problem as forgetting to plug the dumb appliance in.
Works now, though? And it's really cool? The Geeks will keep cutting a path for the rest of us risking the headaches that go with being on the cutting edge.
Radio stacks, ROM upgrades, crashes and configuration. Yes, we are early adopters and just a small group of testers, really. At least that is what it feels like when things like happen.
Really stupid is what it feels like when forgetting to pay a bill...
Yes, is works now. And it fantastically cool. I will write some more about the Navman 4400 GPS later!
08-25-2003, 05:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 217
Too funny Andy. Thanks for the laugh on Monday morning :mrgreen:
08-25-2003, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Originally Posted by sweetpete
Too funny Andy. Thanks for the laugh on Monday morning :mrgreen:
Well, thank you! The things we do to keep ya coming back... ops: