08-21-2003, 03:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Axim Windows Mobile 2003 Tests
AximSite has some very interesting benchmarks that I think you Axim owners will be interested in. Unfortunately there's no analysis so you'll have to spend a while looking at the numbers to figure out what they mean. At least they used Spb Benchmark though! :mrgreen:
"This page is for info only. It is a means for me to put all my testing and results to help find out what is wrong with the Axim w/2003...The purpose for the benchmarks are to compare performance with several variables to see if anyone or I can isolate the troubles plauging our machines. I do not guarantee these benchmarks to be 100% acuarate, they are merely my own test results. The machines I tested were hard reset then loaded with SOTI Pocket Controller, Battery Pack 2003, PDA Mill Gamebox Solitaire, SPB Benchmark, and the overclocking software listed below on the 400mhz model w/2003. I finally got a chance to get my hands on an Axim x5 with Windows Mobile 2003 that works on it. WOW ! Why would anyone drop the extra $150 to get a Ipaq 2215 ? The Results are Amazing in Comparison to my earlier tests."

08-21-2003, 03:28 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 143
Why would anyone drop the extra $150 to get a Ipaq 2215 ?
Because my pockets don't go all the way down to my knees...
Just put them side to side. Some people (myself included) consider size to be of big value. I've paid twice as much to get a Motorola V60 instead of the typical StarTac just because it's half the size. In simple terms, size matters.
I still like the Axim a lot, and I would probably own one if the h2215 wasn't an option.

08-21-2003, 03:37 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 238
Yeah, if the 2215 came out when the Axim did, I probably would';ve gotten the iPaq; built-in BT, smaller form factor, both slots at the top, etc. Still like my Ax, but I'm beginng to hate Dell and their constant cd delays without explaination.

08-21-2003, 03:42 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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So, which one is the 2002 Axim 400 with the updated 2003 ROM on it? #10? :?:

08-21-2003, 04:04 PM
Editorial Contributor
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Originally Posted by Mexico
Why would anyone drop the extra $150 to get a Ipaq 2215 ?
In simple terms, size matters.
Seconded. Though I wish I'd quit getting e-mails reminding me
Actually I own both an AXIM and a 2215 and the size difference is considerable. The Axim is a fine device at an excellent price, which has done much to bring PPCs into the price range of more folks. The 2215 though is more than just a smaller Axim. You have to remember it has built in BT and SDIO as well for that price difference. The BT is a $75-$150 add-on to the Dell (and you lose the slot), and SDIO is not an option at any price.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.

08-21-2003, 07:41 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 12
Why I bought an IPAQ 2210 ...
Because it feels a LOT less like a brick than the Axim does.
(Oh, yeah, and the Bluetooth and the SDIO are great, too).
[/quote]I finally got a chance to get my hands on an Axim x5 with Windows Mobile 2003 that works on it. WOW ! Why would anyone drop the extra $150 to get a Ipaq 2215 ?

08-21-2003, 08:55 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,608
Ummm yeah ^ ^ ^ ^ what they said ^ ^ ^
Seriously. The smaller size, better screen IMO, faster overall and better expansion possibilities to name a few :wink:

08-21-2003, 09:21 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 405
(I've always wanted to say that :lol: )
Ed, these benchmarks are seriously, really confusing to me. Even the layout, and the whole chart items are really confusing. However, the thing I noticed was that #12, with WM2003 and overclocking seem to make the device super fast compared to everything else, so I would assume that the WM2003 update is well worth it. (If Dell ever releases it)
Also, I don't know why the tester used XScaleCtrl. I really wish he collaborated with Anton (developer of PHM) to REALLY overclock the device. (I have the Axim PXA255, running at 590mhz)

08-21-2003, 09:23 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,608
Originally Posted by Fzara
(I've always wanted to say that :lol: )
Ed, these benchmarks are seriously, really confusing to me. Even the layout, and the whole chart items are really confusing. However, the thing I noticed was that #12, with WM2003 and overclocking seem to make the device super fast compared to everything else, so I would assume that the WM2003 update is well worth it. (If Dell ever releases it)
Also, I don't know why the tester used XScaleCtrl. I really wish he collaborated with Anton (developer of PHM) to REALLY overclock the device. (I have the Axim PXA255, running at 590mhz)
The overclocking column was useless IMO. If your going to do that then OC the other devices to.

08-21-2003, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 405
Originally Posted by byteme
Originally Posted by Fzara
(I've always wanted to say that :lol: )
Ed, these benchmarks are seriously, really confusing to me. Even the layout, and the whole chart items are really confusing. However, the thing I noticed was that #12, with WM2003 and overclocking seem to make the device super fast compared to everything else, so I would assume that the WM2003 update is well worth it. (If Dell ever releases it)
Also, I don't know why the tester used XScaleCtrl. I really wish he collaborated with Anton (developer of PHM) to REALLY overclock the device. (I have the Axim PXA255, running at 590mhz)
The overclocking column was useless IMO. If your going to do that then OC the other devices to.
True, but the entire chart and data was only meant to show the improvement of the Axim, between the 2002 and 2003 OS.
The data was on an Axim site, and is mostly to show the result of the 2003 OS only on the Axim.
I think we can expect more data in the future which will compare the Axim to the other devices, with overclocking and underclocking performance results.
On a sidenote, I really like how this tester is the only tester who puts into consideration overclocking on a 2003 device.