08-20-2003, 02:30 AM
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The Gadgeteer Reviews the Zaurus SL-C760
Sharp has been busy updating their 640x480, keyboard-integrated swiveling handheld -- and they've released a new version with 128MB of RAM in Japan. A guest reviewer at The Gadgeteer takes a look, and likes what he sees.
In some ways, so do I. The obligatory high resolution, plus the memory and the landscape keyboard make for a very solid mini-laptop combo in something that's just a little larger than most Pocket PCs. Unfortunately, it has been only released in Japan, and getting an English version is dicey (and/or not cheap). I'd like to see Sharp release it here to give Pocket PCs (and Sony, for that matter) a run for their money. Does anyone have tips on how to convince Samsung and Sharp to release their hi-res PDAs here more quickly?
08-20-2003, 03:38 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,386
Wow! Very nice looking unit. Too bad the screen appears to be similar to the old-school HSFT that Casio used to use (beautiful indoors but near unviewable outdoors).
The resolution looks great at that size!
08-20-2003, 03:43 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Love the design, but I loathe QT Linux. Worst software I have ever experienced on a PDA.
08-20-2003, 03:59 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 541
Really? I prefer QT over PPC anyday.
I'm also REALLY looking forward to the Tapwave Zodiac. If it weren't for the lack of high quality games and emulators for Palm, it would be my next choice indeed. Anyone seen the screenies of Galactic Realms (apparently it's not an RTS anymore) on the Zodiac? WOW.
08-20-2003, 06:35 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 47
I've had my 760 now for about 3 weeks. Hardware-wise it is a great design. It's certainly smaller than my ipaq+sleeve used to be and very close to the larger pocket pc's. The screen is fantastic and is surprisingly usable outdoors. Not as good as say an ipaq 54xx outside but close. Indoors is no contest as even the older Casio screens were never this clear and bright. 640x480 is too good to even mention.
English conversion wasn't that bad. I'd say it only took about 30 minutes to do the longer conversion with the correct fonts + conversion for word and movie player. That leaves me with a machine that is about 98% English. Mostly you still lose the help files, network wizards, and a few unneeded menu items. It's really not an issue.
Software availability is still a big deal though. The standard PIM apps are quite bad. The address book won't even sort contacts alphabetically so it's tough to use as complete PDA replacement. The mail application lacks the ability to only download headers which is annoying while using GPRS. Web browsing is near desktop quality in speed and formatting. VNC and ssh are perfect for admins.
If you're willing to spend time configuring it it's probably closer to a mini-laptop replacement than a pda replacement. I love mine so far but can't say I'm definitely committed to it yet. I need to see how much better I can make it in the next month or so. It's great for big tasks but somewhat clumsy for the small quick ones. Qtopia is still a long ways from the refinement of Pocket PC or Palm OS.
Maybe I just need a smartphone for PIM functions to go along with the 760. :lol:
BTW Sharp has already said that the 750 and 760 will NOT be coming to the U.S. They had planned to release a 7500 model late this year in an English version but have since cancelled any plans for distribution outside the U.S. Too bad IMHO.
08-20-2003, 10:27 AM
Thoughts Media Review Team
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 1,004
The more I see of the various Sharp Linux PDAs the more I like them and the more I am tempted by them!
Form factor wise this is just about perfect for my needs - the only thing I would miss is some hardware buttons on the screen part (hey you have to think about playing games!) at least some sort of dpad.
The big thing that would put me off at the moment (apart from cost and availability of course!) is software choice. At the moment I have pretty much everything I need for my Pocket PC of choice, a lot of it stuff that I really would not like to be without.
Oh well maybe one day one of the PPC OEMs will come up with something this cool - nah I am probably dreaming....
...waiting for the arrival of my Axim x50v...But I still love my Newtons!
08-20-2003, 03:07 PM
Executive Editor
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Posts: 29,160
This underscores something that people often forget: building a killer piece of hardware is easy compared to building a killer platform. You can have the best hardware in the world, but unless you have developers and an enthusiast community around that hardware, you don't have a platform, and you don't have a successful device.
08-20-2003, 04:21 PM
Thoughts Media Review Team
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 1,004
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
This underscores something that people often forget: building a killer piece of hardware is easy compared to building a killer platform. You can have the best hardware in the world, but unless you have developers and an enthusiast community around that hardware, you don't have a platform, and you don't have a successful device.
Jason - you have it in one. No matter how many times I have been tempted by the latest sharp PDA or even by some of Sony's Palm OS devices it still comes back to the total package and for me (at least at the moment) the Pocket PC is still the best value around.
Of course, as I said in my earlier post - that doesn't mean that I will ever stop hoping for the OEMs to push the boundries of PPC design a bit more.
As any other ex-Newton user on the list will remember the enthusiastic community (still going strong out there as well!) was one of Newton's great pluses. In fact one of the things I like so much about PPCthoughts is how much it reminds me of the Newton user community (hmmm, which reminds me I really have to send off my subscription ).
...waiting for the arrival of my Axim x50v...But I still love my Newtons!
08-20-2003, 06:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 94
Capable hardware coupled with a capable OS makes a capable package. For my needs, the PPC is the hardware weakling: it keeps the same diminutive screen resolution whereas Palm (T3) and Sony have at least moved to somewhat satisfy user needs. This Sharp/Linux device shows that the PPC community can integrate a VGA screen into a standard (3.8in) screen form factor if it has OS support.
The PPC screen resolution is it's Achilles' heel. The PPC initially won over many customers like myself with its screen but it will lose these and many more customers if it fails to at least keep current with its screen. Personally, I am giving the PPC until the next product rollout (summer 2004) before jump ship to Palm.
08-20-2003, 10:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
What about the keyboard?
I have never thought that the PPC screens weren't high enough resolution. Not that I wouldn't appreciate 640x480. For me the appeal of this Zaurus is the built-in keyboard. From the pictures it looks like a mebrane type which I have never liked. They should stick to using them in microwave ovens. Did the pictures mislead me? Is there any tactile quality to the keyboard? If it gave as much feedback as a RIM Blackberry for instance, with the larger size, I can imaging getting some decent WPM scores with it.