07-22-2003, 09:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Mobile Device Re-Direct Code
Webmasters, listen up: if you'd like to create a version of your site for mobile devices, the first step is to create code that will detect the type of device hitting the site (or, more accurately, its browser). The sniffer code to do so, developed by Fabrizio Fiandanese, looks like this:
<?<br /><br />if (stristr($ua, "Windows CE") or stristr($ua, "AvantGo") or stristr($ua,<br />"Mazingo") or stristr($ua, "Mobile") or stristr($ua, "T68") or stristr($ua,<br />"Syncalot") or stristr($ua, "Blazer") )<br />{<br /> $DEVICE_TYPE="MOBILE";<br />}<br /><br />if (isset($DEVICE_TYPE) and $DEVICE_TYPE=="MOBILE")<br />{<br /> $location='mobile/index.php';<br /> header ('Location: '.$location);<br /> exit;<br />}<br /><br />?>
<br /><br />You can also use Javascript version that detects any Windows-CE client:<br /><br />
<script><br />var isCE = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows CE")>0;<br />if (isCE)<br />{<br /> window.location.href="mobile/";<br />}<br /></script>
<br /><br />Place the above at the very top of your index page, and when a mobile device hits it, it will be re-directed to your mobile page. The industry standard is <a href="www.domain.com/mobile/index.htm">www.domain.com/mobile/index.htm</a> (or .php, .asp, etc.). From there it's a matter of building the appropriate components into your mobile site. At the very least, if you're running a retail business, include contact information, your business hours, etc. If your Web site is dynamic, with your content separated from the templates, you should be able to include your data in a mobile device-friendly format.<br /><br />It's also a good idea to include a link on your mobile page back to the desktop home page, this time with a version that doesn't have the sniffer code - for those people who are running more capable mobile device browsers, or desperately need something off your site.

07-22-2003, 09:09 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 864
Thank you....I had been using somthing similar but had a few problems with those darn OSS browsers :?

07-22-2003, 09:14 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 145
Thanks Jason.
Now if we can only get more sites to worry about reformating.

07-22-2003, 09:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 59
I've been using this code for ASP pages:
' This specifically tests for Pocket IE on Pocket PC 2002 by searching for the "PPC" string within
' the User Agent field. "PPC" is only inclued in the USER AGENT header field on Pocket PC 2002.
userAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
isPocketPc = false
' This check to see if the browser is any version of MSIE on Windows CE. That way, if the browser
' gets updated, this should still detect that it is from a Windows CE machine.
if(userAgent <> "" AND (InStr(userAgent, "PPC") > 0)) then
isPocketPc = true
end if
if isPocketPc then
' If the user is connecting with a pocket pc, then we redirect them to another page.
end if

07-22-2003, 09:23 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 864
Originally Posted by merlin
I've been using this code for ASP pages:
' This specifically tests for Pocket IE on Pocket PC 2002 by searching for the "PPC" string within
' the User Agent field. "PPC" is only inclued in the USER AGENT header field on Pocket PC 2002.
userAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
isPocketPc = false
' This check to see if the browser is any version of MSIE on Windows CE. That way, if the browser
' gets updated, this should still detect that it is from a Windows CE machine.
if(userAgent <> "" AND (InStr(userAgent, "PPC") > 0)) then
isPocketPc = true
end if
if isPocketPc then
' If the user is connecting with a pocket pc, then we redirect them to another page.
end if
The problem I see is that PPC is sometimes the UA of Mac's so some Mac browsers start getting the mobile version...

07-22-2003, 09:25 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 27
It's also a good idea to include a link on your mobile page back to the desktop home page
Could someone tell me where this is on the mobile pocketpcthoughts.com. I must keep overlooking it and a few times I really could have used it. Thanks

07-22-2003, 09:41 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 312
Cool - thnx!
"Life is a dream. The only real thing is you." -unknown

07-22-2003, 09:45 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Originally Posted by Iglesiab
It's also a good idea to include a link on your mobile page back to the desktop home page
Could someone tell me where this is on the mobile pocketpcthoughts.com. I must keep overlooking it and a few times I really could have used it. Thanks
Oh, uh, well, umm...  ops: Give us a few minutes. :wink:

07-22-2003, 09:45 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,911
Thank you Fabrizio :werenotworthy: I have been trying to figure out how to do this for the longest time. Many thanks!

07-22-2003, 09:52 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,468
This will be very useful - thanks for spreading the wealth Jason!