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Old 07-08-2003, 12:30 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

It seems Toshiba is starting to budge just a little on their Windows Mobile 2003 update stance.

The Register reports "Following our initial report on the company's decision not to offer such an upgrade, a Toshiba spokeswoman said in a statement: "Toshiba is not initially offering an upgrade for the e740, but will continue to gauge demand and evaluate customer requirements." ([The Register's] italics)"

As of right now, there are 3823 signatures from frustrated e740 owners at the online petition. If you have an earlier e300 series or e740 and haven't signed the petition yet and want to upgrade to the new 2003 OS, please head over there and sign today. Then for good measure, call Toshiba's customer service number and complain. Give them more "demand" to evaluate. If you are in the US, you can call (800) 457-7777 which came from their contact page.
text sig
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Old 07-08-2003, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
It seems Toshiba is starting to budge just a little on their Windows Mobile 2003 update stance.
And what does this change for me? Nothing. It shows me that if they get a percentage of owners that complain enough they will do it but the point in this matter is we should not have to. There are and has been since day one significant problelms with the e740. Sometimes I have to soft reset to get the WiFi to work. Sometimes I get that 1 percent battery 5 minutes after taking off the charger issue(workaround is to put back in cradle until you get a green light only 5 minutes later). Most of the issues can be fixed via software. They have only released 1 update for the e740 when HP issued 3 for the 3900. Them NOT offering this update was the last straw. Even if the capitulate, I will not buy another Toshiba product again. Toshiba anything. If I find out it has a Toshiba part in it, I won't buy it. I am not interested in the iPod, so don't say "well what about the iPod? It's so good!". Don't care. BUH-BYE Toshiba! :byebye:
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Old 07-08-2003, 03:23 PM
David McNamee
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by gorkon280
Even if the capitulate, I will not buy another Toshiba product again.
I was thinking the other day about why I upgraded from my iPaq 3635 to the e740 in the first place. There were two big reasons that I remember influencing my decision. First, I was sick to death of expansion sleeves. The dual-slot e740 would never need them! Secondly, I wasn't convinced that the HP-Compaq merger would produce anything but pretty paperweights. That second point weighed heavier on me than the first.

I think that the new HP has taken care of both points now. The 2210 is a wonderful device. It's enough to make me rethink my instinctive dislike of Bluetooth. They've also proven that they will not leave customers behind once they've gotten their money. Toshiba will only respond to issues if they've generated negative press. I don't want to give my money to a company like that.
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Old 07-08-2003, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by gorkon280
I will not buy another Toshiba product again. Toshiba anything. If I find out it has a Toshiba part in it, I won't buy it.
Ok, so don't buy a (or sell your) PlayStation 2 as Toshiba is supplying integral parts of the console (including two 128Mbit direct Rambus DRAM chips and the system's core CPU).

Also don�t do an X-ray at the hospital, because the device may be made by Toshiba (they are one of the world's largest manufacturers of medical imaging systems).

Etc., etc�

My point is Toshiba are way too big to be avoided�
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Old 07-08-2003, 03:51 PM
Janak Parekh
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by Reza
Ok, so don't buy a (or sell your) PlayStation 2 as Toshiba is supplying integral parts of the console (including two 128Mbit direct Rambus DRAM chips and the system's core CPU).
Add laptops, many desktops and a ton of household electronic devices to that list...

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Old 07-08-2003, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by Reza
Ok, so don't buy a (or sell your) PlayStation 2 as Toshiba is supplying integral parts of the console (including two 128Mbit direct Rambus DRAM chips and the system's core CPU).

Also don�t do an X-ray at the hospital, because the device may be made by Toshiba (they are one of the world's largest manufacturers of medical imaging systems).

Etc., etc�

My point is Toshiba are way too big to be avoided�
Ok....first point...I never got suckered into buying a Playstation anything (1 or 2) so, no problem there! Second, I don't PAY for my xrays.....well, indirectly I do, but my insurance does pay the bill. Also, my money does not go to goes to the doctors, nurses, radiological techs and hospital.....what they choose to do with it is not my concern. If a Doctor treated me like Toshiba's support did, I'd get a new doctor.

Ok, so you say it's hard to completely boycott Toshiba and I'd say your right. BUT if I can buy an alternative....I will. Toshiba's support is extremely lacking and we really should have known better as evidence from their really cool desktops a few years ago. Yes, they made desktops. They, like the e740, were cutting edge and very nice. They ranged from a Pentium II 333 to a Pentium II 450. With in one year, they were not making desktops anymore. Need I say more? It's a darn shame. I could probably place Toshiba beside Apple for ingenious ideas. Their support, RIGHT NOW sucks. It could be much better. This is not the e740 thing totally talking, but the e740 was the last straw. I have had support say they don't know something and the very next day a patch was released. Why did they not know this? Why would it hurt for them to tell us a patch will be available soon or at such and such a date? Why are they so combative/clueless when you call them on the phone? Why do they sound like they just don't care! One can say this about alot of support but I have never had as terrible support as I had with Toshiba. (and I am not a guy who typically calls support either). Their communication is lacking. If they had treated you just about as well as HP does, then they had a distinct chance to steal market share away from HP. Well, no more. No more Toshiba anything for me unless it can't be helped. Full me once, shame on me, full me twice, shame on you.
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Old 07-08-2003, 04:31 PM
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Default HP are you listening

Now HP, what about those 37xx and 1910 devices? They need WM 2003
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Old 07-08-2003, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: HP are you listening

Originally Posted by GO-TRIBE
Now HP, what about those 37xx and 1910 devices? They need WM 2003
Doubtful on the 37xx devices, they really only sold for a good month and it uses the older body style, really no benefit to upgrade it; I would agree with the 1910.
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Old 07-08-2003, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by David McNamee
They've also proven that they will not leave customers behind once they've gotten their money.
Apparently, this is only true for some of the original Compaq Pocket PC devices. The original HP Jornada 56x users have been left out to pasture.
Jonathan (JonnoB)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke
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Old 07-08-2003, 06:52 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Default Re: Toshiba Budging On e740 Upgrade Stance

Originally Posted by JonnoB
Apparently, this is only true for some of the original Compaq Pocket PC devices. The original HP Jornada 56x users have been left out to pasture.
Don't forget, the 720's as well although they were pretty much left out to pasture by Microsoft and not by HP. Face it...only some of the lowend PC's and the iPaq (the Pocket PC, not the MP3 Player) is what HP bought. They knew the Jornada's could not compete, so they bought the competition. Thank god they did not try to change it much! On the other hand, the 56x's were already 2002 and are not, until now, being left to pasture. Never heard of many major issues on the roms for the 56x's, so I can only assume this is so. Also, I am not sure about EUU's, but I have not seen much in the EUU's that really improve things. They are also StrongARM's and not XScale so I can see why they would not get WM2003. I don't understand why the 3800's are getting an update, but that is a nice thing! Also, if it's an iPaq (except 1910 which is strange and a few others) it seems it's getting an update. I can also now get one of those cool cases right away and from just about anywhere and not just Vaja and others (although Vaja makes awesome looking cases). That and a folding kludge like I dealt with on my e740(Belkin makes a keyboard for it, but noone carries it....only iPaq stuff). I know I know...order it on the net....but I really fail to see savings on net purchases (AFTER you factor in shipping). Besides, I want CompUSA and other computer stores to be there when I need to go pick up an odd or end when I am working on something. If I always order from the net, then why should these stores pay for a store front?? Anyway, HP has kept most of the iPaq's going strong and kept the promise Compaq has with the sleeves for the most part. I am amazed that they have done that!

I am not one of the ones that's crying about Toshiba turning my PPC into a brick...they have not. What they did do is alienate me be leaving me out in the cold on the update and the crappy support they provide. Treat a customer with respect and tell them the truth and they will be happy. This little "budge" isn't anything. I bought what I thought was the best device. Should have went with the iPaq as it seems they are more proven then anyone.
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