06-23-2003, 05:39 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Happy Developer Day!
Andy can't get to the site due to some Atlantic backbone issues, but he has some great news on the developer front. Here is what he has to say!
"I worked with the Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows Mobile 2003 some months. Microsoft readied the SDK for the new platform some weeks ago and released it to partner program developers. The SDK documentation describes the improvements and changes in the areas of:
� Development Environment � Device Emulator � Device Management � Security � Shell � Messaging � Networking
Robert Levy, Microsoft MVP for Mobile Devices, summarizes the developer highlights in Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC on his site RobertLevy .NET with key quotes from the SDK documentation and with the following conclusion:
"... here's the stuff that I think is most important: a cut list of what's new for developers copy and pasted from the SDK. Why? Because most of the improvements come from the fact that Microsoft moved from CE 3.0 to CE 4.2 and enhanced the API with more standardizations and extensibility mechanisms. There are some great selling points to Pocket PC 2003 out of the box, but it will really shine when developers take advantage of the things in this list."
The under-the-hood updates and improvements of Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC are now available for developers to build on. Improved development environment and developer tools attract more developers, especially from enterprise market. Better networking and connectivity will lead to a more rapid move from a disconnected application base to a connected application base. The .NET Compact Framework in ROM opens up a new platform for .NET developers and will lead to more software and solutions developed.
Today is a happy day being a developer!"
06-23-2003, 06:05 PM
06-23-2003, 07:12 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 713
� eMbedded Visual Basic development is no longer supported
eMbedded Visual Basic as a development tool is not supported on Pocket PC 2003. However, backward compatibility for previous eMbedded Visual Basic applications is supported.
That's going to tick some folks off...
06-23-2003, 07:34 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 354
Originally Posted by Jimmy Dodd
� eMbedded Visual Basic development is no longer supported
eMbedded Visual Basic as a development tool is not supported on Pocket PC 2003. However, backward compatibility for previous eMbedded Visual Basic applications is supported.
That's going to tick some folks off...
Its still possible to use eVB on the devices, the main difference is that you'll need to separately install the eVB runtimes into RAM. eVB is old and buggy and has not really been actively supported for a while. The .NET Compact Framework is a big leap ahead in terms of its robustness and extensibility and I think the decision to place .NETCF into ROM at the expense of eVB was a good move for future development.
06-23-2003, 09:09 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 713
Originally Posted by Peter Foot
Originally Posted by Jimmy Dodd
� eMbedded Visual Basic development is no longer supported
eMbedded Visual Basic as a development tool is not supported on Pocket PC 2003. However, backward compatibility for previous eMbedded Visual Basic applications is supported.
That's going to tick some folks off...
Its still possible to use eVB on the devices, the main difference is that you'll need to separately install the eVB runtimes into RAM. eVB is old and buggy and has not really been actively supported for a while. The .NET Compact Framework is a big leap ahead in terms of its robustness and extensibility and I think the decision to place .NETCF into ROM at the expense of eVB was a good move for future development.
I agree. I always thought eVB was a joke at best. Heck, it used to be new and buggy, now it's just old and buggy. And though I've had it only a few days, I love having the .NET CF in ROM on my V37. However, I still say that it is going to tick some people off. :wink: