06-19-2003, 12:36 AM
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Re-naming Those Pesky WMA Files
Ok, I need some help here. I've switched over from my very retro use of Auduigrabber and the XING MP3 encoder to Windows Media Player 9 and VBR WMA files. Windows Media Player has really evolved as a digital audio tool, and I'm finally comfortable using it all the time now. Here's my problem: while WMP9 is fantastic for getting the right CD metadata (album name, artist, track title, etc), it's not so good about putting the file names just the way I want them. I have thousands and thousands of MP3s from my 500+ CD collection that are in a very specific file name format: (Artist) - Song title.mp3. Yes, I'm Mr. "Type A" Personality, because I want all my songs to be in the same format. I found a wonderful program by the name of Zortam ID3 Tag Editor that will automatically re-name the file based on the meta-tag information, and vice-versa. The problem? It doesn't work with WMA files and the author has no plans to add WMA support! :evil:
So here's the request - does anyone know of any application that would allow me to do this quickly and easily? Any developer out there want to hack together a .NET app for me? :wink: It just drives me insane that Microsoft wouldn't allow for custom file naming schemes. They come very close, but I can't do the above naming format (unless I'm missing something).
06-19-2003, 12:48 AM
06-19-2003, 12:49 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 412
Wish I could help you...
Another annoying thing - at least I can't find resolution -- is that the year associated with an album is not editable. So my "Best of [insert your favourite 70's band]" gets categorized as a 2003 album. So autoplaylists are wrong, etc. I guess I'm thinking of the 70's as a genre more than a publication date. But WHY can't I just change the date in the tags?
06-19-2003, 12:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1
MC9 maybe?
As far as I know, MediaJukebox www.mediajukebox.com , can do just about anything with tags. The new version, MediaCenter9, does even more. I just tried it on my copy and it seems to work just fine. It's well worth the money if you have a large collection.
06-19-2003, 12:53 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 437
The registered version of the program above allows you to change the tag data on the WMAs. You can do it with the shareware version as well if you create a new field and give it the same name as the one that already exists. This doesn't work with all fields though.
06-19-2003, 01:04 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 735
I am sorry for the possibly non sequitur response but, wait Apple releases iTunes for Windows? I very much like the Mac iTunes which is extremely clean and intuitive.
Also, I have just started a project to encode my CDs using AAC, which IMO sounds just as good if not better than WMA v9 VBR if not better. (And of course, both AAC and WMA VBR sound much better than MP3.)
06-19-2003, 01:05 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Re: Wish I could help you...
Originally Posted by Karen
Another annoying thing - at least I can't find resolution -- is that the year associated with an album is not editable.
You're right! How very odd - why isn't that data like any other meta data...?
06-19-2003, 01:19 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 68
I may be missing something from your post, but you can do custom naming.
Tools>Options>Copy Music> File Name from here you can move the order up and down and selct what you want in the title, I have mine set to Artist and Song Title and the separator set to Dash (-).
I guesss I like my files named the same as yours.
06-19-2003, 01:30 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 1
Hi, musicmatch jukebox allows you to do this within
it's playlist editor. You can either retag the file based
on it's filename, or rename the file based upon the
tags. It works for both mp3s and wmas that I know of
(I use this feature a lot). So, just read in all the files into
the library of musicmatch and then selcct them all, then
edit the tag and look for these options.
06-19-2003, 02:42 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Originally Posted by nz0eBoy
I may be missing something from your post, but you can do custom naming.
I can do the dash, but I can't do parenthesis or have a space like this:
(Artist) - Song.wma
WMP9 comes close, but no cigar, which is what is REALLY frustrating. :evil: