06-09-2003, 07:34 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Little Orphan Pocket PC
"Microsoft's latest revision to the Pocket PC platform is disappointing to say the least. Is the Pocket PC a casualty of Microsoft's bid for the Smartphone market? Longtime readers probably think I'm schizophrenic. They may be right. But just as I bashed Palm around this time last year, now it's Microsoft's turn. Microsoft is set to announce Pocket PC 2003 this month, an update to their PDA operating system. The update sports some much needed changes, a completely new engine under the hood, but is more notable for what it's not than what it is. And if this sounds like I'm talking about PalmOS 5.0, welcome to d�j� vu-ville..."
Jeff Kirvin has a rather controversial article up that I'm sure will generate some lively discussion. Give it a read and tell me what you think - is Jeff right?

06-09-2003, 07:39 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,041
I can live without a GUI update if the underpinnings of the OS are made that much more stable and faster. I also like the new network/wireless setup. The current one is pretty bad.
The only thing I would like to see is a higher resolution screen. The 320x320 screen on the new Palms are REALLY nice. I'm still quite happy with the current resolution, but I hate to see Palm get a leg up on my IPAQ. :mrgreen:

06-09-2003, 07:49 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 170
I am not happy with the current screen resolution :evil: ! A support for higher resolution would be great, then the iPaq's 3,8" screen would really do some good. It would also improve the reading experience, and allow smaller fonts for footnotes, small informative icons and so on. It would also greatly improve the PPC as a photo album - especially if they could also display more color.

06-09-2003, 07:50 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 361
Originally Posted by ricksfiona
I can live without a GUI update if the underpinnings of the OS are made that much more stable and faster.
I agree, but I have to wonder just how much better those underpinnings are, if they didn't put forth the relatively small amount of effort to update the GUI.
I don't think the author's musing about PPC going the way of the Newton will come true. I know MS might not want to pit PPC against Tablets, but they need to be more concerned with Palm at this point. They're gaining market share, but they have yet to take the lead.

06-09-2003, 07:56 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 209
Jeff has some interesting theories here, but certain things need to be considered, and addressed if what he is saying is true,
- If Tablet PC's are to be downsized and made "Pocketable" they will also need to to become "instant on" and have decent power consumption or we'll have handhelds that waste half of their hour and a half battery life on boot up.
- If Smartphones are to be the new handhelds, somebody has got to do something about input methods. Tapping the keyboard on a Pocket PC is not without flaws, but pressing the 9 key 26 times to get the letter I want is much, much worse. Some will say thay there are predictive syntax programs that make this easier. Tried it. Not worth it. Especially not with proper names.
Give me a flip phone with a Pocket PC like OS and usable versions of Word and Excel, and we're there.
And there you are.
I was just thinking, "What could take this headache I have over that edge to a full blown migrane?"
And there you are.
- Dr. Cox, Scrubs

06-09-2003, 07:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 495
what worse that being a total geek???
a sucker.....
pocket 2003 will be very lame
ms is doing what palm just did -- coasting on their product.
innovation will occur in 2-3 years.

06-09-2003, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 125
Microsoft is sure not dumb, so if PPC is freezing in matters of updates, smartphones are coming to shock every other cell phone, and even more, once a palm user get a smartphone he will surely dispose the Palm to focus only on his new Windows CE powered device and eliminate that extra weight.
Microsoft knows what to do for their share on all markets, but yes, right now it is not cool for ppc lovers like us.

06-09-2003, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 68
The article is right.
I recently purchased a t68i (released a yeart ago) - it's no smartphone, but it's slow and primitve PIM apps have already supplanted my Pocket PC in cuch daily chores as contact management and daily calander. And that is simply because it is smaller, lighter, and actually has a very practical use - it's a phone.
Where does my big bulky iPAQ fit in this equation? No where, really. While it's nice to be able to play Simcity 2000 anywhere at any time, that advantage will quickly evaporate as smartphones become faster and better. Currently, a wide collection of excellent software and games exist for the PPC, and that is why I will be buying a new one this month. Yet, if current trends cotnue, my second iPAQ could very well be my last.

06-09-2003, 08:10 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 257
I would have to agree with everything Jeff Kirvin has said. From what I have read Pocket PC 2003 will be a dissapointment. I am sure it will be faster and the wireless capabilities will be a real bonus, but I owned a HP545 back in the days when Pocket PC 2000 was released, since then I have owned another 3 PDAs and they had to be Pocket PCs. Unfortunately nothing significant has changed.
The idea that Palm has nearly caught up is something I do agree with - When you compare the development of the Palm OS with the Pocket PC, Palm have made (and needed to make) huge improvements in the last 2 years while the Pocket PC has remained pretty much the same - the Pocket Outlook features are looking pretty dated now - most people rely on thirdparty software to give them what they want - and Pocket Office is a joke. The integration of a "reset free" landscape mode was a must for me but it looks like this will not be happening.
It may have helped if Microsoft had made it clear to everyone that the 2003 upgrade would be minor adjustments only - I think the lack of announcement has hyped up the rumours to the point that eveyone will be dissapointed.
I hope I am wrong and Microsoft has got something huge up its sleeve but based on what I have read my next PDA does not have to be a Pocket PC.

06-09-2003, 08:11 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 416
I kind've agree with him about the Pocket PC being stuck between a Tablet PC and a smartphone, and thus the possible internal pressure not to compete with themselves.
Also, the new CE 4.2 has a huge effect on many platforms apart from Pocket PCs, and so that's probably what Microsoft was focusing on the most.. "getting it right" where it's going to affect the most products. I do wish they would've spent some more time updating some of the "little" things on a Pocket PC that would've made usability much better and cooler.
The new engine, however, is quite cool, and it'll make things move MUCH faster!!! Does that apply to me personally? Maybe. The only scenario I can think of where increased speed matters is when I try to listen to MP3s while playing a graphics intensive game at the same time.
Overall, I think it's a hidden good thing, but unfortunately we tend to judge things by the realistically "insignificant" features we like most.
"And then she understood the devilish cunning of the enemies' plan. By mixing a little truth with it they had made their lie far stronger."-C.S. Lewis