06-09-2003, 09:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
PPCSG reviews TenGO
"TenGO� is a powerful text entry method designed specifically for handheld devices. Using an innovative tap-and-scribe method to input text on the Soft Input Panel (SIP), it enables you to type on fewer and larger keys. The alphabets though grouped into 6 panels has the standard QWERTY arrangement. Thus, it retains the familiarity, feel and flow of the conventional QWERTY keyboard. Unlike other keyboard methods, it does not force you to relearn a totally new keyboard arrangement as in the case of Fitaly, another popular soft keyboard replacement."
This looks quite interesting, but I haven't tried it yet. Any comments from those of you who have?

06-09-2003, 10:18 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 367
PPSCG Review Tengo
Look interesting, although I don't see why anyone would balk at the cost when Fitaly costs $5 more.
Having put quite a bit of time and effort into learning Fitaly, I'm not really willing to learn yet *another* input method, and if one knows Grafitti well, Block Recogniser is probably still the easiest and most painless SIP on the PPC.

06-10-2003, 07:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 9
.....Thus, it retains the familiarity, feel and flow of the conventional QWERTY keyboard. Unlike other keyboard methods, it does not force you to relearn a totally new keyboard arrangement as in the case of Fitaly.....
I found it very fast, a sophisticated version of the mobile phone system.
What I would have liked, is an option to switch to an alphabetical arrangement e.g. abcd / efgh / ijklm / nopqr / stuv / wxyx.
I'm sure that deep down this is the way our brain would prefer, no matter how much QWERTY practice we have had.