06-06-2003, 01:30 AM
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CDMA iPAQ Coming In 2004?
Brighthand weighs in with the latest rumors on a CDMA-enabled iPAQ. What do you think?
"The 2003 Sprint Users Forum is going on now in Dallas. According to SprintPCS Rocks, HP representatives are saying that their company and Sprint are working together to create an an iPAQ that will be able to connect with Sprint's CDMA networks. This is expected to be available some time in 2004."
06-06-2003, 01:39 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 361
This is great. I just wish it were possible to buy a PPC Phone that wasn't branded and marketed exclusively by a cell phone company. I use Alltel down here in FL, and while they have an excellent CDMA network I can't just buy a new PPC phone seperately and have them program it (they don't currently offer any PPC Phones, Smart Phones, or Palm devices). My only option is to get the service/hardware package from Sprint (crappy service) or buy a used device that's outdated (and still pay the programming fee).
I've used up my quota of parentheticals. :lol:
06-06-2003, 01:55 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 384
Ditch the form factor
I certainly suggest that HP doesn't use their tranditional "Sleeve" form-factor. There are lots of SmartPhones out their that are smaller and WAY more functional. This may be HPs opportunity to create their first unit with an integrated keyboard.
In any case, something DIFFERENT is warranted. Not the same old S**T thats getting it's but whooped by Dell right now.
06-06-2003, 02:09 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 357
Re: Ditch the form factor
Originally Posted by Will T Smith
I certainly suggest that HP doesn't use their tranditional "Sleeve" form-factor. There are lots of SmartPhones out their that are smaller and WAY more functional. This may be HPs opportunity to create their first unit with an integrated keyboard.
In any case, something DIFFERENT is warranted. Not the same old S**T thats getting it's but whooped by Dell right now.
You got something different already... the 1900 and 2200 series. The sleeves are GOOD! We want to keep those on high-end PDAs. Smartphones don't have GPS navigation/mapping, consumer infrared, handwriting recognition, NES simulators, 3D Games, PDA-size screens, Terminal clients, Network utilities, digital photography proofing/management software, multimedia video/audio players, eBook readers, Word, Excel, SQL Server, and Bluetooth.
06-06-2003, 02:32 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
I posted this in another thread somewhere.......Not too long before the article quoting the HP exec. saying they weren't going to develop a Phone Edition device there was an announcement made stating the HTC had won back the contract to develop a Phone Edition device for them for the last quarter of this year. It even went so far as to say it would be a H4000 series device.
For those with a paid subscription to Digitimes you should be able to search it.
06-06-2003, 02:34 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 593
Well, as much as I like HP/Compaq's ideas, they have been horribly slow with this; hopefully they are trying to secure quality.
06-06-2003, 03:00 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 127
Umm...does this mean HP is going to develop something like the Samsung i700 or will they just integrate cdma1900/1xrtt into the h5450 or something? I hope its the former b/c I wouldn't want to use anything too bulky as a primary mobile...
06-06-2003, 03:33 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 40
Would not trade mine
06-06-2003, 04:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 357
Re: Would not trade mine
Originally Posted by achille
I would NEVER trade my Hp 5455 for any other model, whether that is GPRS or ixrtt... No one would (xcept for 5555), the antenna is much bigger... and loosing 802.11b ?
I would not trade 802.11b for anything... can you imagine having to put the ipaq in the cradle to connect? My whole college campus has 802.11b, classes would be much more boring without high speed internet.
For anyone inspiring to buy the CDMA/GPRS Ipaq: Just get the t68 bluetooth phone, so you'll have a cool phone, a cool gadget, internet almost everywhere... and hey, the t68 can be purchased for... 80 bux on ebay =D
Yeah right! I've got a Bluetooth phone and its a huge pain to have it communicate with my 3970... compared to when the GSM pack is attached.
As for WiFi, I'd rather have Bluetooth AND GSM/GPRS. I've already got Bluetooth for connecting at home or work without a cradle. Having Bluetooth AND phone capabilities will open up the use of wireless headsets, GPS devices, etc.
Of course, all of the above would be nice too.
But this is why they make different versions, people want different things.
06-06-2003, 04:24 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 127
Re: Would not trade mine
Originally Posted by achille
I would NEVER trade my Hp 5455 for any other model, whether that is GPRS or ixrtt... No one would (xcept for 5555), the antenna is much bigger... and loosing 802.11b ?
I would not trade 802.11b for anything... can you imagine having to put the ipaq in the cradle to connect? My whole college campus has 802.11b, classes would be much more boring without high speed internet.
For anyone inspiring to buy the CDMA/GPRS Ipaq: Just get the t68 bluetooth phone, so you'll have a cool phone, a cool gadget, internet almost everywhere... and hey, the t68 can be purchased for... 80 bux on ebay =D
Okay, so what about when you leave your college? I dunno about you but there's hardly public wifi hotspot where I live. Outside of campus wifi roaming, cdma/1xrtt/gprs is just more omniprensent. Also, once true 3G arrives in UMTS/1xEvDo(Dv) with transfer speed of up 2/4 mbps (perhaps 10 mbps), then the true power of 3G services will shine...