Originally Posted by NLS
but I hope I'll continue contributing to a nice NON-PROFESSIONAL (at least up to now) PocketPC (and recently gadget) oriented site.
That is my goal as well. This purchase allows me to feed my passion for Pocket PC's and other related technologies. I have often thought if I had it my way I would do this way or that way. Well know I get my chance. I only hope I can live up to what you all have created at Pocket PC Minds and to the expectations of the Pocket PC community. The biggest change I see for Pocket PC Minds is adding on more people that can contribute news. With my day job, Family and now this site I know I can not do it all, I will have to have help.
It is my plan to do something similar to what Jason has done with Pocket PC Thoughts having 4 or 5 people writing and contributing to the news on the site. This way we can become a great resource for Pocket PC's and technology enthusiast like Pocket PC Thoughts. I like many of you make my daily visits to Pocket PC related web sites to find out what is going on and what new has been released.
Corey McLaughlin