05-30-2003, 02:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
IP*Works! Works!
IP*Works! from /n software is a must have for many server and mobile application developers. DEVBUZZ.COM recently published an article about how to develop a newsreader using IP*Works!. The article is called ".NET CF Newsreader using IP*Works!":
"Using IP*Works!, developers can easily give their embedded applications the power of connectivity. Your embedded applications can manage files remotely with the FTP, HTTP, or RCP components. With IP*Works! its easy to read email or news online with the IMAP, POP, or NNTP components. Writing proprietary client applications becomes a very simple task when using the IPPort TCP/IP client component. Extremely fast Zip, Gzip, Tar, and Jar compression/decompression and archiving capabilities are made possible with the IP*Works! Zip toolkit. Secure credit card processing can be performed with just a few lines of code using IP*Works! CC. All of this power can make your embedded applications true mobile connected applications."
Go and check out the article and find out how to get a $100 discount on IP*Works!.

05-30-2003, 06:31 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 164
We use /n software's packages quite heavily at work, and they are nothing short of stellar. We definitely plan on buying the .NET CF version. I wholly recommend this to anyone doing this stuff for a living.

05-30-2003, 10:39 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Originally Posted by dangerwit
We use /n software's packages quite heavily at work, and they are nothing short of stellar. We definitely plan on buying the .NET CF version. I wholly recommend this to anyone doing this stuff for a living.
Thanks for your feedback! Always great to hear from the field! 8)