05-28-2003, 08:11 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Smartphone Arrives in Sweden
Teliasonera, the largest telecommunications company and mobile network operator in the Nordic region, announced a couple of days ago a Microsoft software and Smartphone based offer. The Smartphone 2002 (HTC Tanager) is called Qtek 7070 and Teliasonera offers wireless Microsoft Exchange connectivity to its customers.
It was interesting to note that Teliasonera reported that they have had the phone and services in live testing during the last three months and that 97% of the customers report that the Smartphone 2002 and the combined services would "be a strong asset in their business. E-mail, calendar and contacts are the most sought-after functions". According to the Teliasonera spokesman, the test group generated 5 MB of data traffic per person and month and this amount of data will be priced at approximately $9 per month. The phone will be available in June and will cost $249 with a 24 month subscription.

05-28-2003, 09:13 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 254
[tease]Things go slowly in Sweeden these days. In Norway we have had it quite a while.[/tease] :wink:
Seriously, come over Andy, have a :beer: , and let me have a look.
In times of change, its the learners who will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to handle a world that no longer exist.

05-28-2003, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Originally Posted by WillyG
[tease]Things go slowly in Sweeden these days. In Norway we have had it quite a while.[/tease] :wink:
Seriously, come over Andy, have a :beer: , and let me have a look.
With that song in the Eurovision Song Contest, I can't believe your'e talking about "slow"! :lol:
Kidding. Our family gave it 12 points! Congrats!

06-01-2003, 01:32 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 140
At least they were in tune! The UK entry made the nation blush!
As for the Smartphone, all I can say is good luck to the Swedes. I'm actually using an Orange SPV at the moment, and to think that it has a faster processor and miles more memory than my 7650, it's diabolically slow (and that's with the latest firmware release from Orange), unreliable data connections and things I took for granted on my Symbian phone require third party software (some of which hasn't been written yet - and who knows if anyone will bother) on my SPV. What's going on!? Is there any chance of a proper Messaging application!? :evil:
Anyway, I do like the multimedia, that's pretty cool. But it's certainly not anywhere near being a replacement for my 7650!