05-07-2003, 11:30 PM
Executive Editor
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PXA255 Appearing in iPAQ 1915?
I received a note today from Maximilian Wimmer who says that his iPAQ 1915 (the European version of the 1910) has the new PXA255 processor, so it seems that Dell isn't the only OEM who's subtly slipping the new chip into the channel. This sure makes it hard for those of us who try to support end users - the same model numbers will now have different CPUs and performance characteristics... :|

05-07-2003, 11:49 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 263
Product specs at HP website (spanish) show PXA250.
Several forums where some users say they own a 1910 (not 1915) with PXA255 show pictures, but no performance benchmark yet, it gets so confusing ... there's a lack of official info, why HP? I agree Jason, end users now will raise a lot of questions and I won't be surprised if some of them ask for an upgrade and things like that ... where's HP press dpt?

05-08-2003, 12:28 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,479
This is Intel who just stopped producing the pxa250 and replaced all new orders with the 255.
There is little that Dell, HP etcetera can do abouth it.

05-08-2003, 01:23 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 128
I agree with Fishie
Intel has switched over to pxa255 production, if Dell/HP makes it known that some of their units being sold have a newer/faster processor, and are being sold for the same price....then who in their right mind will buy a unit with the older pxa250?
So, not only will they be left with thousands of unsold outdated pxa250 units they need to dispose of, but people who recently purchased an ipaq 1910, after hearing about this, will want to exchange their unit for the new one.

05-08-2003, 01:32 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 55
I'm not so sure. Are there 1910s that actually have the 255 or is it just the 1915s. That would explain the new model number.
If I were HP I would bring out the 1915 and 555x to replace the 1910 and 545x with the model number indicating the different processor. Then no one could complain.

05-08-2003, 02:13 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 3
iPAQ 1910
bought mine (aka. hp 1910) in Malaysia.
it came with the 255 chip.
I guess the new batch ships with the new chip...
whats the difference?

05-08-2003, 02:20 AM
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The problem here is that the PXA255 is really a new "stepping", or revision, of the PXA250. Intel gave it a new name because it was a significant stepping.
On the desktop, machines are shipped with revisions all the time -- on Windows 2000, right click My Computer, and do Properties; on XP, do Start, Run, WINMSD and you'll see something like:
"x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~1993 Mhz"
That's my P4 2GHz. If you look at newer P4 chips, they'll have a higher stepping -- because Intel has stopped manufacturing the older ones. Especially the new Canterwood chips, which have the 800MHz FSB -- now, distinguishing between 3GHz chips takes work, too, so this situation isn't really different from what's been going on all along on the desktop.

05-08-2003, 04:21 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 14
Funny thing was there were a few people here and in Brighthand that thought we were lying through our noses when we said the h1910 we got had PXA255 in them! :mrgreen:

05-08-2003, 05:00 AM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 544
Originally Posted by Dermot81
I agree with Fishie
Intel has switched over to pxa255 production, if Dell/HP makes it known that some of their units being sold have a newer/faster processor, and are being sold for the same price....then who in their right mind will buy a unit with the older pxa250?
So, not only will they be left with thousands of unsold outdated pxa250 units they need to dispose of, but people who recently purchased an ipaq 1910, after hearing about this, will want to exchange their unit for the new one.
No, they will just ship all of the units with older processors to Best Buy and Home Depot (whoops, guess they don't sell PPC's, but bet they would like to), knock of $30 wholesale and everybody will think they are getting a great deal when these retail giants sell your new PPC for $20 off list price.

05-08-2003, 05:07 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
Any way to import this model and would it be compatible with a 1910 cradle/power adapter?