04-30-2003, 09:00 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,060
Sound Editor From VITO
VITO Technology, who created such Pocket PC applications as VoiceDialer, ButtonMapper and SoundExplorer, now has yet another tool to try out: SoundEditor.

"VITO SoundEditor provides a basic set of tools for sound editing. It features stylish and informative user interface and intuitive toolbar for quick access to options."
Main features:
� Supports native WAV format � Unlimited file size � Stylish and intuitive UI � Basic set of tools (copy, cut, paste)
Note, however, that the feature set is fairly limited because this is a beta release. Other features that are supposed to be coming soon are:
� File copying for editing � Recording � Tagging � One-step undo/redo � "Save as" option � Sound rate options � Sound temp options � Different sound effects
Okay, here's a strange twist: This is listed as a beta and there is a free demo available, but a registered version costs $9.95. It looks as though the regular release (with the added features) will eventually cost $15.95, so those who buy this beta version will save $6.00, but it strikes me as an odd way to market a new product.
In any event, I'll give this a try, just to see how it does with editing ringtones for my Pocket PC Phone Edition.

04-30-2003, 05:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 298
Looks like a neat idea, but any audio editing program that tries to make a "slick" GUI usually means it's a low end app.
When you work with audio, you want options, not glamour.
There's so much wasted space on that sshot where those huge playback buttons are.

04-30-2003, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,041
Originally Posted by sub_tex
Looks like a neat idea, but any audio editing program that tries to make a "slick" GUI usually means it's a low end app.
When you work with audio, you want options, not glamour.
There's so much wasted space on that sshot where those huge playback buttons are.
Agreed. But you won't want to do THAT much on a Pocket PC anyway. It's not the ideal platform to do major audio editing. The developers know that and are trying to reach a balance.

04-30-2003, 09:33 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 2
If you are an audio professional like me and want to see a real professional audio system for PocketPC, go to http://www.pocketrec.com
I have seen a demo at the NAB a few weeks ago: IT'S ABSOLUTELY PHANTASTIC what they have!!! 8O