04-28-2003, 03:23 AM
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Using Wireless Devices On Airplanes
One of the biggest problems with Smartphones, Pocket PC Phones, and similar devices is the blanket "no-phone-ish-thingy" rule on most airlines, even if the device clearly says that the phone module is off. This is only going to get worse, not better, considering all mobile electronics of various sizes are integrating both general-purpose computing and wireless technologies together. In fact, one of my pet peeves is that the above is stringently followed, while at the same time the person next to you is probably using a laptop with built-in WiFi that's scanning for an access point but the user (or the airlines) don't know it. :evil: Have you guys had negative experiences like this?
In any case, there's positive news by at least one carrier, SAS:
"Scandinavian Airlines will be the first airline to allow the use of some mobile phone functions during flight. In the so-called flight-safe mode, the mobile phone is switched on without sending or receiving signals and won�t therefore affect flight security. It is the latest mobile phones, such as the Sony Ericsson P800, which have this flight-safe mode. With this, the traveler on board a SAS flight can use a mobile phone to update his or her diary, write e-mail and take notes, edit documents, play games, listen to music and even take photos with a built-in camera � everything except make a phone call."
It's about time, I say! Of course, I'm skeptical any of the US airlines will adopt it, and will continue to ignore the WiFi and other built-in features while freaking out over exposed antennas. :roll: (BTW, I now see why the internal antenna and removable keypad on the P800 are so useful... you can turn it into a non-phone-looking device. )

04-28-2003, 05:03 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 405
But do you expect any airline attendant to suspect the difference from the P800 and say, any other cell-phone model?
Every three montsh, new cellphones are unveiled; no way in heck airline attendants could keep track of them.
Besides, with the budget defciancies of the airline industry, I doubt a program like this would ever take off.

04-28-2003, 05:17 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 480
I just flew back from LA and I realized after landing that I had my cellphone on the entire time and I'm still here to post about it...

04-28-2003, 05:29 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 718
"Flight safe mode"? Since most of the PDA-phones can turn off the phone independent of the PDA (like my Treo 300), this seems like a rather non-event.

04-28-2003, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 102
Well nothing is clear, every airliners are doing almost whatever they want. In some case they completly forbid every electronic devices, like air europa (spanish firm), some will allow only PC without a CD/DVD drive, and some don't care because they implement wifi onboard, I think it is the luft, but itnis really time for them to make it clear, as well as they all provide a std way to charge PC/PDA, coz even if I got 6h of battery on my laptop, a Tokyo London is 11h, and sometimes I am short of battery.
By the way 90� the charger for a PC/PDA in BA and wich only work in their 1st, Biz and Plus seat and in their plane, that F... expensive,

04-28-2003, 05:56 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 545
Most of the airlines rules are BS
My favorite thing is when they tell you FAA Regs tell us that...blah blah blah......
Most of the rules that airlines make are bunk and are not FAA Rules. Otherwise, how can one airline rules be different than another? EVEN in the same country? One example I noticed recently is that they forbid the use of Personal GPS devices (they work so long as you hold them up to the window). Um, it's NOT transmitting...it's RECEIVING! IN fact, most commercial planes even have the same thing (only much better) integrated into their avionics suite. There's practically no way that this will cause an issue with the plane. The rules they make are just fear mongering rules that make no sense. Have they actually DONE scientific studies to see if prohibited devices cause interference? I think the real reason airlines allow no GPS devices is because they are afraid that the passengers will panic if we see the plane making large drops in altitude! 8O
I mean I can see no laptops during takeoff and landing (and not because of interference.....both of these can be rough and I'd hate to have a laptop smack me in the face during turbulance on landing/takeoff....), but CD players? MP3 Players? Some of these don't even have RF recievers in them let alone transmitters. If your going to prohibit something, SHOW ME PROOF! The only reason cigarettes were banned on the flights is because of fear mongering again. But at least there IS some proof of second hand smoke creating a cancer risk. Not to mention the fact that if you have more then one or two smokers on the flight you'd have a rough time filtering the smoke! I am tired of people banning things without much thought or scientifiic evidence!

04-28-2003, 06:03 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 102
Re: Most of the airlines rules are BS
Originally Posted by gorkon280
I mean I can see no laptops during takeoff and landing (and not because of interference.....both of these can be rough and I'd hate to have a laptop smack me in the face during turbulance on landing/takeoff....), but CD players? MP3 Players? Some of these don't even have RF recievers in them let alone transmitters. If your going to prohibit something, SHOW ME PROOF! The only reason cigarettes were banned on the flights is because of fear mongering again. But at least there IS some proof of second hand smoke creating a cancer risk. Not to mention the fact that if you have more then one or two smokers on the flight you'd have a rough time filtering the smoke!  I am tired of people banning things without much thought or scientifiic evidence!
I am not totaly agree with you on 2 points
-CD player, I don't have a CPL, but working on my PPL (FAA/JAR) but my co workers are CPL (757, 747 qualified) and they do tell me that the engine of the CD player (DVD as well) are emiting "noise" on the radio system
-Smoking, will be cost effecting on plane, need to change more often the seats and need to clean more often the air conditing system. Also it will burn more oxygen. And well that Stink !

04-28-2003, 06:47 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 524
Re: Using Wireless Devices On Airplanes
Originally Posted by Janak Parekh
One of the biggest problems with Smartphones, Pocket PC Phones, and similar devices is the blanket "no-phone-ish-thingy" rule on most airlines, even if the device clearly says that the phone module is off.
I have an O2 XDA and have never had any problems on regular European flights - RyanAir, Easyjet, Olympic, BA when using it (when the seat belt signs are off - of course).
Oddly enough, on an Easyjet flight I was once asked to stop reading a (paperback) book as the plane prepared for takeoff! The flight attendant was not able to say why - just that I had to stop! Bizarre!
I have been on several planes where we have actually been taking off or landing with someones mobile phone ringing in the overhead luggage racks! No problems with the flight!
iPhone 4 32GB Jailbroken and iPad 3G 64GB .

04-28-2003, 06:52 AM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 544
Re: Most of the airlines rules are BS
I mean I can see no laptops during takeoff and landing (and not because of interference.....both of these can be rough and I'd hate to have a laptop smack me in the face during turbulance on landing/takeoff....), but CD players? MP3 Players? Some of these don't even have RF recievers in them let alone transmitters. If your going to prohibit something, SHOW ME PROOF! I am tired of people banning things without much thought or scientifiic evidence![/quote]
While there may be some interference from these devices, I think the airlines just want your undivided attention. That's why they also insist that window shades be in the up position during takeoff and landing. With our sue happy society (at least in the U.S.), should there be a "real" emergency, flight attendants would want to be sure that they could manage the cabin without distractions.
Regarding Smartphone use in flight, I used my Kyocera 6035 for more than a year (about 60-70 domestic flights per year) and althought I did have a few flight attendants question my device, once I convinced them that the phone functions were disabled, they did not questions it's use.
But this subject does bring up another good reason for two devices (Bluetooth enabled cell phone and PPC).

04-28-2003, 07:00 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 524
Re: Most of the airlines rules are BS
Originally Posted by gorkon280
The only reason cigarettes were banned on the flights is because of fear mongering again. But at least there IS some proof of second hand smoke creating a cancer risk. Not to mention the fact that if you have more then one or two smokers on the flight you'd have a rough time filtering the smoke!
I would have thought a good justification for banning smoking is the potential fire risk, in addition to the unpleasant atmosphere for fellow travellers, along with increased wear and tear on aircraft furnishings (cigarette burns, staining etc).
Getting back to topic though, the airlines are not required to provide proof - and in the current mood following several air rage cases, I wouldn't want to push it if a flight attendant told me to stop using a piece of electronic equipment. I can do without it - If I have to! :-)
iPhone 4 32GB Jailbroken and iPad 3G 64GB .