04-21-2003, 10:00 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
SmartMP3 from FatAttitude
"SmartMP3 is a great way to Organise your Music and transfer it to Mobile Devices, such as SmartPhones, XDAs, Pocket PCs and other Hand-Helds. Fast, powerful and versatile. Automatically view and sort your MP3s, WAVs, WMAs etc. by Album, Artist, Genre - then easily create PlayLists, and transfer them to your Mobile Device at the click of a button!
SmartMP3 can convert to and from all major Audio File Types - so you can convert your mp3s to WMAs, your WAVs to mp3s, your Ringtones to WAVS - and so on! You can even save space on your Mobile Device by getting SmartMP3 to lower the quality of your files! SmartMP3 overcomes the inherent lack of playlist-support in the SmartPhone 2002 software, and is able to generate Playlists that run on this platform.
The program is currently in advanced Beta Test; if you'd like to join the Beta Testing Programme, download the file below, and let us know what you think!"
The UI is a bit 1996-ish, but it sounds like a very functional program. If you'd like to help them polish up the beta, go check it out! And damn do I love that company name: FatAttitude iz in da hizzouze! :fro:
04-21-2003, 04:27 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 361
I'll have to give this a try. Probably my biggest beef about most MP3 programs that convert the files to lower bitrates before sending them to the PPC is that they don't send the files to a Flash Card (one that shows up as a hard drive in the explorer).
Anyone know of a good program that will convert and do playlists in one screen, but send to any location? (MusicMatch is a little clumsy for this)