04-16-2003, 04:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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More Evidence The Market Isn't Interested In Converged Devices
As recently as last spring people were clammoring for the converged device - a PDA and cell phone all in one. Today, the noise has died down somewhat and, intially at least, it seems the market is more interested in two devices connected via bluetooth or IR. Two examples:
� HP abandons plans for a converged device. The so-called iPAQ 5600 series, basically the 5400 series with either a CDMA or GSM radio in it, has been dropped for now. Brighthand has more info on this. � Handspring, a company that threw caution to the wind and launched headlong with only a converged device offering, is sinking fast. They have only sold 180,000 Treos in just a little over a year. Their revenues have been cut nearly in half from a year ago when they still sold the Visor line.
Based on our non-scientific poll 46% of you preferred the two device solution and 42% preferred one device. Given we are "uber-geeks" here, I am not sure that is representative of the market. I suspect HP found the percentages were far more heavily skewed towards dual devices. I, and many others, just can't see even putting a device as large as an H1910 to our ear. Any smaller than that and the screen isn't worth much, or you are headed over to a voice centric device like a SmartPhone.
04-16-2003, 04:08 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 21
This is really the case
I've been using dual devices for quite some time. To use a phone as a heavy-use PDA is not acceptable, and to use a large-screen PDA as a phone looks ridiculous to me
So, I always carry two devices around, left behind my laptop.
04-16-2003, 04:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 98
Well, I may be in the minority, but I'm quite disappointed. I use my iPAQ 3850 far more as a PDA than I use my cellphone, and having to carry two devices most of the time is a pain.
However, I don't want to hold my iPAQ up to my ear, either. Hence...BLUETOOTH HEADSET. Yes, I know it's still two devices, but these headsets are getting smaller, and assuming the quality is okay (I've heard varied reports), I want to clip it to my iPAQ belt case and treat it as one, with the exeption of charging both every night or two.
I realize this may not work as well in practice as in theory (as most new technology is guilty of), but I have to say I'm disappointed that I won't be able to even try it with a converged HP device, as I quite like the iPAQ, had plans to get the GPRS sleeve before they cancelled it, and was anxiously anticipating a possible new converged device from them.
Just my $0.02.
04-16-2003, 04:16 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 360
I am one of those that plug along in the Ed way of thinking. Even though I think I mentioned this thinking before Ed. (Correct me if I am wrong Ed.)
I am even starting my own website based on PDA devices for CDMA coverage (mostly done hoping to launch May 1st), but the thing I find annoying more than anything, is converged or not there are just no signs of life for any type of Smartphone or PDA devices.
We have heard nothing but hype for years now!! And nothing! THere is ONE I repeat ONE, MS Powered Smartphone actually on the Market more than a year after it was touted to be the next big thing. We have heard about new PPCPE Devices for CDMA, but neither of the two Main CDMA carriers (the ones touted to be carrying the devices) have any idea what I am talking about or when we will see them. I just don't know how far up the ladder I need to go to get some answers, but it is daunting, and to be sure it is a bad sign for any Smart Phone Based Devices. Crappy time to be a technophyle.
04-16-2003, 04:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 399
as for the 2 examples....
HP was not, and will never be, the ultimate in PDA decisions. They bought Compaq which among other things brought to HP the best line of PPC's available for the time. Compaq had decided to make the new converged pdas but now that HP owns them, Hp decided not to do it. Again, not the best decision makers in the world.
As for handspring... they have been going downhill since day 1. I started out in the pda market with a handspring, and they had a good device but I think Palm and all Palm companies are headed downhill faster since MS has jumped full force into the pda market. What's funny is that Handspring licensed the PPC OS in their second year of business but never moved on making a device on the PPC OS.
These 2 examples in my mind don't really dictate what the market is really wanting. And if they don't want to expand the converge pda market, then there's some else there to step in and do it....
04-16-2003, 04:25 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 80
I totally agree with 2 device approach. Putting PDA on my ear just looks super geeky (not that I am not geeky). Using phone as PDA is just too small if you want to watch movies!
04-16-2003, 04:28 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
I wouldn't say the market isn't interested in converged devices. The market is there, if the right product(s) were there. So far most have fallen very short. Handspring's Treo was a flop, and despite all the media hype it has proven to be very unpopular. But there are a significant number of devices that do a credible job of combining PDAs and cellphones. For example, Kyocera's latest PalmOS phone is pretty damn nice.
Give this hardware category time to mature and evolve. There is a bright future for converged devices.
04-16-2003, 04:30 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 46
T-Mobile PPCPE
I love my PPC-PE and can't wait for the next generation. A unit with a longer battery life, Bluetooth, wifi, a jog-wheel w/ intuitive launcher software, a better button layout and a tougher case design would please me to no end.
Based on the hundreds of threads covering this "2 devices vs. 1 converged device" arguement, I think we can all agree that this preference is COMPLETELY subjective and personal.
I just hope that the converged device, though not that popular, continues to improve.
04-16-2003, 04:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 399
Originally Posted by nobody
I totally agree with 2 device approach. Putting PDA on my ear just looks super geeky (not that I am not geeky). Using phone as PDA is just too small if you want to watch movies!
try holding the SX56 or t-mo PPCPE up to your head and you'll find that it's not as geeky as you think, nor that big. That was my concern when I first bought the SX56 months ago but I have yet to have issue with it being too big. Likewise, I rarely hold it up to my head since it has speakerphone and headset ability. The speakerphone works great and normally I can hold it in my hand without having to speak extra loud...
04-16-2003, 04:35 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 57
I second bblock's idea about BT headset. That's the first thing I thought off when I read Ed's post.
Even now, I hardly put my phone near my ear anyway, I use handsfree whether my hands have to be free or not...
I was thinking about gettting a converged device with BT so I can use the BT headset in the future.
Now I guess I have to live with my mobile for a while longer :wink: