04-08-2003, 02:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Windows CE Powered Devices to Outsell Windows Desktops?
"A new research report forecasts that devices using Microsoft's Windows CE operating system, a version of Windows for small electronics devices, could begin to outsell Windows PCs by the end of the decade. The report from eTForecasts of Buffalo Grove, Ill., suggests that devices running Windows CE, such as cell phones and PDAs (personal digital assistants), have the potential to outsell Windows PCs by 2010. But Windows CE will have a long way to go between now and then."
Well, I have no doubt that smartphones and PDAs will outsell desktops by then. By then, 100% of cell phones would be what we consider a smartphone. What do you think?
04-08-2003, 02:45 PM
Editor Emeritus
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Hmm... looks like most people want flying cars. :lol:
04-08-2003, 02:55 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 360
I am going to say "Maybe" even though I really do not believe it will happen at all. The problem with new technology is not how useful it is but how people perceive that usefullness. Lets face it we are geeks, but we are in the minority. THe people who buy Win CE type devices are those educated on their benefits. The people who buy PC are my grandparrents and hell just about every one. When the darn CE based Devices IE PPC and Smartphones and whatever else are running in the hundreds of dollars, the average user is not going to buy them when they could buy a PC.
It is my bet that this trend will not change enough in a mere 7 years to meet your prediction.
Heck when I was a kid I used to read and study Futurists predictions of what kind of technology and medicines and dwellings and conveinences we would have by now. Ya know what, almost NONE of it has happened. As a race humans are affraid of change and just dumb in general. Humans have become complacent with their existence and that is why I think nothing will happen quickly. Nothing moves quickly any more. There was a time 40 - 60 years ago when we just started kicking ass in the technology department but that is over. America was at the forefront of inventing, but that is done. Maybe it is because we are not in competition with any country any more. I am not sure, I just know that your prediction will not come true unless CE devices change in price and ease of use considerably. And don't start flaming me for ease of use.. by this I mean for the every day idiot who does not want to learn how to use anything ease of use....
04-08-2003, 03:18 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 267
Assuming Moore's Law holds for these devices, by the end of the decade we'll have multi-GHz processors, a GB of RAM and many GB's of storage in PPC's and Smartphones. They could drop Win CE and put XP on the devices. Since Microsoft is into code-bloat, Win CE will probably be the size of the current XP by the end of decade, anyway.
04-08-2003, 03:57 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 254
I have a dream...
Personally i was hoping the two would merge both software and hardwarewise before we reach that point.
My dream "PDAPC" would function much like todays PDAs when used mobile. With about the same screensize. But it would also be a full blown PC, with memory and other specs acording to Mores law (moving parts (HD) must be replaced by somthing that doesnt move-> flash memory?)
The clue: You can plug this device into a docking station (standard connectors) wich you can find on every TV, HiFi, "PC" or other suitable equipment and the device would adapt to that role.
1) Plug it into a "PC" (actually just a monitor, mouse and keyboard the "PDAPC" replaces the actual PC by providing processingpower)
That means it has to change screen resolution to ie: 1280x1240 and transfer the output to the external monitor instead of the internal.
You could use the same "(PDA)PC" both at work and at home (just take it with you when you go, just like todays PDA) Of cource this would bring some important security questions to the table, but time will solve that.
2) Plug it into your Stero and use it as a jukebox or "rip" music from either radio or CDs (or whatever there is in 2013)
3) Plug it into your TV and it will record your favorite TV-show if you cant watch it when it goes, play it back whenever you want (at your TV, home "PC" or work "PC"). You could even take it to the "video store" and charge it with a movie wich work 24/48h. from you charged it.
My dream goes on, i see a lot of uses. The center of this universe is the "PDAPC" wich you always bring with you and use as a normal PDA when you are at the go. This would sertanly bring "personal" back into PC.
Wait a minute....
Why use some kind of physical connector... by 2013 we have "WitheTooth" and UHFHIFI-WIFI.
End of rant
In times of change, its the learners who will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to handle a world that no longer exist.
04-08-2003, 03:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 6,878
Originally Posted by Janak Parekh
Hmm... looks like most people want flying cars. :lol:
[Tim "The Toolman"]
Arrrr, Arrrrr, Arr... Moller Skycar...
[/Tim "The Toolman"]
"My eyes are rolling back in my head so far I can see my grey matter bubbling and frothing from reading this thread....bleh." JD
04-08-2003, 05:05 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
I think we are all overlooking a very important fact here....Windows CE is used in many types of devices, from gas pumps to toasters. Not just Pocket Pcs and the likes. That makes for a very wide sales base.......OH yeah, Skycars as well.
04-08-2003, 05:08 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 4
My english is not goodops:
Pda by year 2010 will have the power to run real-pc-os like (windows xp 2010 )
pda will have Foldable Display that can be small when it completely fold like 3 inch only - and when Unfolded completely it can be big like 12 inch
2" by 3" (3.6") (400*600 pixel) (Unfolded#1)-> 4" by 3" (5") (SVGA 800*600 pixel) (Unfolded#2)-> 4" by 6" (7.2") (800*1200) (Unfolded#3)-> 8" by 6" (UXGA 1600*1200) (10") (Unfolded#4)-> 8" by 12" (14.4") (1600*2400)
04-08-2003, 05:13 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 739
I didn't know what OQO was so I :google:'d it.
Is this thing for real???? :crazyeyes:
04-08-2003, 05:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
I want my flying car dang it! Imagine flying car NASCAR.