04-08-2003, 12:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,060
A Proud Father
As any of you out there who have children can attest, there are certain milestones that our children pass that make us overflow with parental pride. You know what I'm talking about: your baby's first words, the first time your son takes a step unassisted, your daughter's very first successful ActiveSync...
Yes, that's right! Today, My 11-year-old daughter asked for one of my old Pocket PCs for keeping track of her homework assignments, recording buddies' e-mail addresses and writing a daily journal. We shared a real bonding moment as we held our breath, waiting for that magic tweedle-eep! tone that signifies a successful ActiveSync connection. We built lasting memories as we worked side-by-side, configuring Notes synching, installing Transcriber and downloading ferret-related Today themes. My eyes were misty with pride. *sniff*
Sure, like any father, I want to protect her from life's troubles, like the first time her heart is broken by a dreaded Guest-only connection. But if there's one thing our bonding session today has taught us, it's that "'tis better to have Activesynched and lost, than never to have synched at all."
Dare I even HOPE that one day she'll ask for her own eVest?

04-08-2003, 12:43 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,479
Man, what a nerd.
No offense.

04-08-2003, 01:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 10,981
Re: A Proud Father
brings a tear to my eye just reading that 
I can only hope that my little one will someday follow in her pappa's footsteps. ( I got a ways to go. She's almost 1, however I'm already working her up to saying Pentium, and Microsoft :mrgreen: )

04-08-2003, 01:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 541
That was touching, in a somewhat scary nerdy way ;)

04-08-2003, 01:20 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 170
Its not a nerdy thing, its a geeky thing.
And I take offense on being called nerd.
Heh... look it up :roll:
Fun. Girlfriend was (when we got together 3 years ago) almost totally computer illiterate. Now she amazes here college teachers (psychology) with the videos she creates, has discovered the pleasures of internet (of really finding stuff) and owns an iPaq - and uses it more than me - she writes everything down, is the organized type that always has had an agenda, while I am the opposite...

04-08-2003, 01:27 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 333
Wow. That's great. Mine (2 1/2 yrs) loves to scribble on my iPaq. I can only hope someday he'll want a Pocket PC.

04-08-2003, 01:31 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Brad, your actions show what a poor father I am. You gave your daughter a Pocket PC........I gave my son an old Palm....How inconsiderate...

04-08-2003, 01:37 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Re: A Proud Father
Originally Posted by Brad Adrian
Dare I even HOPE that one day she'll ask for her own eVest?
What a touching story. :mecry:
$10 she denies she is your father if any of her friends at school read this. :lol:
Originally Posted by Paragon
Brad, your actions show what a poor father I am. You gave your daughter a Pocket PC........I gave my son an old Palm....How inconsiderate...
Borderline child abuse, or at least neglect. 

04-08-2003, 01:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 158
Re: A Proud Father
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
What a touching story. :mecry:
$10 she denies she is your father if any of her friends at school read this. :lol:
Might want to edit that, Ed. After all, she is Brad's father?
So, the young skywalker has finally joined us!
Anyway, I think that is a good sentimental story (can you tell I am not good with emotions?). I do have to agree that I would not expect anyone other than us to read it. It has a large Geek/Nerd factor. :wink:
Just when I learned the meaning of life, they changed it.

04-08-2003, 02:03 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 126
My 7 year old daughter asked for an IPAQ for her birthday. Although I bought her a Polly Pocket Sparkle House instead, I think there is real potential of her becoming a Geeket, like her Mom.
My son on the other hand, needs some work. He keeps on asking for a Playstation 2.