04-02-2003, 05:00 PM
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Free Easter Game
"Don't be a chicken! Join the feather filled frenzy in this FREE LIMITED EDITION Easter puzzle game. Enjoy the crazy themed graphics and sound effects, but watch out for those bad eggs! Submit the highest score by 1st May 2003 and win ALL Clickgamer titles!"

04-02-2003, 08:54 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,911
Yahoo a free game. I will play this for a while then switch back to Diamond Mine.

04-03-2003, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,043
Egghead's a hoot! Been playing too much since I installed it yesterday. Can't quite break the 12,000 point mark, but I'll keep tapping away for a while. Funny thing; my girlfriend has been addicted to a Flash game from Japan called ZooKeeper for about a week. The thing is very similar, with slightly different rules and artoon zoo animals rather than Easter stuff like Egghead. I tried that one on both the iPAQ and Casio, but it was just too intense and play was ridiculously slow. So now I have what I think is a cooler version, and apparently she does too, because she really wanted me to give her a copy for her notebook. Sorry, can't, it's a PC.
Gerard Ivan Samija

04-04-2003, 01:10 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Gerard
Egghead's a hoot! Been playing too much since I installed it yesterday. Can't quite break the 12,000 point mark, but I'll keep tapping away for a while.
This is the same game as the Christmas freebie, Snowed In, with a different set of symbols and sound effects. It's a cut down version of the paid for game Cropped Out.
It's got me hooked again too, top score after 2 days 22650. My husband reports that the sound effects on this one are less annoying than the maniacal cackling from the Christmas one.

04-04-2003, 04:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,043
Dang! My best so far is 17,350. Looks like my relative lack of gaming practice is showing badly.
I tried Snowed In, but couldn't stand the noises, got furious when I couldn't figure out in about 2 minutes what the heck it wanted me to do, and uninstalled it. I far prefer the banjo and chickens of this one, though some of the noises get annoying in small ways. There's always the volume control.... What annoys me most is that it's time limited, where I'd like to have it just play until I freeze up. Oddly, on my Casio there's about 25% longer to play. Seems directly tied to processor speed, as the Casio runs at 150MHz.
Gerard Ivan Samija

04-04-2003, 07:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Gerard
I far prefer the banjo and chickens of this one, though some of the noises get annoying in small ways. There's always the volume control.... What annoys me most is that it's time limited, where I'd like to have it just play until I freeze up. Oddly, on my Casio there's about 25% longer to play. Seems directly tied to processor speed, as the Casio runs at 150MHz.
Well if you've worked out how the sound control inside the game works, please let me know, as I'd like the game quieter than other sounds from my PPC.
Cropped Out has two choices - time limited or not. But before you think about trying it, have a look at the top scores on their website
Some of those numbers represent frightening amounts of time. I prefer the time limited version because I simply don't have hours to spend playing.

04-04-2003, 07:37 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 739
Woo! This game is fun. I like that it's cute and girly. Chicks and bunnies!
I also like the banjo music that plays when you get a bonus. Hee!

04-04-2003, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,043
The sound control button actually fails to work most of the time on my Casio, and the Pause/Play/Stop buttons also fail there, but both work on the iPAQ. Just tap on or to the right of the little speaker, shown here, and then using the stylus tap above or below the indicator to make it louder or softer. Or muted entirely, if you prefer. Not very subtle, tending to make big jumps, but I can get the iPAQ to play Egghead sounds very softly while still having system sounds (like nPOP email notifications) at normal levels.
Gerard Ivan Samija

04-05-2003, 05:01 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 207
Weird...my pause works fine, but I get NO sounds at all from the game on my Casio E-115. I have checked all my system sound levels, as well as in the game itself...rechecked other apps that have sound and still work, and even reinstalled EggHead. Do you get sound at all on your Casio?
Wonder what's up? I installed to the storage card, think that may be it? (With the processor just too slow to do it all at once?) :?:

04-05-2003, 05:56 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,043
On my EG-800 (virtually the same as an E-125) I have it installed to a SanDisk CF card, and though it plays slower than on the iPAQ there is most certainly sound. And it is, sometimes, adjustable. I don't know what your particular bugs may be, but I think the MIPS compile was a little sloppy here. They probably don't focus so much attention on post-compile inspection with the now-rare MIPS devices being such a small market.
Gerard Ivan Samija