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Old 03-17-2003, 04:37 AM
Brad Adrian
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Default A Bad Case for Case Manufacturers

What follows is a rant. If you are not in the mood to read another rant on this site, just skip to the other more enlightening posts...

I've just had a bad experience with a PDA case manufacturer, and I'd like to know just how common my situation is. Four weeks ago, I ordered two leather Pocket PC cases; I won't directly name the company, but their name includes two initials. Anyway, one of the two cases I wanted was backordered, and The Company refused to ship partial orders (even though I was willing to spring for overnight shipping on each). The Web site said the backordered case would be available within 3 business days. Oh, boy, was THAT estimate wrong.

Anyway, after waiting for three and a half weeks, I called The Company, and they told me both cases would ship within the next 24 hours. Then, the next day, I got an e-mail saying that there was an error in my credit card information (my billing address had a typo). Rather than simply give me the opportunity to provide the corrected address, The Company told me to cancel the original order and re-order the cases.

Upon reordering, I found out that both cases were once again backordered. But NOW, my order has "gone to the back of the queue," so to speak, so it's probably going to be another four weeks.

Now, I realize that the typo was my fault, but the initial three-week delay, IMO, was inexcusable and the solution to the typo was absolutely ridiculous.

I ask you, is this really the way things should operate? Or is this just the status quo and I should stop complaining?

UPDATE: After two e-mails, four attempts on my part to get the situation fixed by phone and a couple of hours of phone tag, here's where we're at with this. An E&B customer service representative was finally able to edit the information and get the order placed again. However, it took several attempts from him and my logging onto their site before we actually struck upon the magic sequence of keystrokes that allowed him to do this. All in all, it cost me about an hour of actual phone time (not counting on-hold time); however, at least when we were done I was assured that my order will ship tonight and that the extra expedited shipping would not cost me a penny.

The representative also told me that they are in the process of installing a system that will handle these kinds of customer service-related issues better. I hope that's the case (no pun intended); I'll let everybody know tomorrow whether the promises came through.

UPDATE #2: If you want to see how this story finally ends, take a look here.
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Old 03-17-2003, 05:14 AM
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Here's my story of what happened to me a few years ago:

I bought a PDA case for my brand new Casio E-100 from a company that ALSO HAD TWO INITIALS and when I got it, the quality was not at all as presented in the pictures. I called the company and got a RMA number and shipped it back. I was smart enough to use UPS so that I had a trackable number.

I was told that they would refund me back onto my American Express as soon as it was received back at their warehouse. I checked periodically for a credit which, of course, never showed up. I called them up and they said they did not have it, so I immediately contacted UPS and got the name of the person who signed for it.

I then called back and the person I spoke to admitted that the person's name I mentioned who has signed for it worked there but that without the case, they could do nothing. I told her that it was rediculous and that if they lost it in THEIR shipping department, it was their problem, not mine.

I ended up having to call AMEX and fle a complaint. They immediately credited me the $50.00 (and change) and said that they would take it up with the company. If I had not used my AMEX, I might have been screwed out of $50. They lost quite a few customers as a result since I warned all my friends with PDAs to steer clear of them.

Anyhow, I ended up buying a similar styled case from a Japanese company, and after Yen conversion and shipping, it was about the same price. The new case was extremely high quality and I still have it (although I don't use the Casio much these days since I have a T-Mobile). What a joke, huh?
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Old 03-17-2003, 05:26 AM
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I can completely understand. I ordered a case from a company with two initials for my Jornada 568 after I bought it. After much back and forth via e-mail as they couldn't seem to understand that we DO have credit cards here in the frozen north, I finally received the case. I used it a few times, but it was such a poor fit that it ended up being tossed in the back of a drawer with a vow to never buy a case from this company again.

Too bad they couldn't give customer service like some companies do... for example, I used to work in aerospace some years back, and caught wind of a NOVA program called Battle of the X-Planes about the competition to build the new Joint Strike Fighter plane. Unfortunately, when it aired, I missed the first hour, so I went to the PBS store online, but they didn't have it listed. I sent a note asking if they would be carrying it soon. I got a reply explaining that each producer had different distribution, and they gave me a listing of all the other sites online that I could call or order from. Now, THAT to me was customer service! Time for the technology companies out there to get a hint and start treating the customers right.
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Old 03-17-2003, 05:34 AM
Chris Spera
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No, its not the status quo. NO you shouldn't stop complaining; and in my humble opinion, you should come RIGHT out and name the company that has this poor level of customer service. They're big enough to take it... If they're this blatantly disrespectful to their customers, let alone a member of The Press, then they deserve every lump they take.

Fire with both barrels, kiddo. You're not slandering or liabling anyone... this is you're true and honest experience with this case manufacturer. You aren't making this up, and you're not exaggerating (unless of course you are, and then I would temper my overall response...), so you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

The power of The Press is far reaching; but when used correctly can effect massive change... I know from experience.

Christopher Spera
Kind Regards,
Christopher Spera
Gear Diary Review Team
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Old 03-17-2003, 05:39 AM
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Oh, you mean like saying, it was E.B. CASES who I'll never buy from again?

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Old 03-17-2003, 05:58 AM
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No, you're right. I mean, dude, they're an online ordering facility. The ability to check your billing address the moment you place your order would seem SOOO easy to do. Not cool. They simply don't care about what happens to the customer. This would never happen face to face.
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Old 03-17-2003, 06:15 AM
Chris Spera
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Originally Posted by rfischer
Oh, you mean like saying, it was E.B. CASES who I'll never buy from again?

Something like that...Yeah.

Also, why buy the cases?? Cancel the order. Point them to the post and the comments, and let's see what happens. Honestly, if they are paying attention, then they may try to make good on their mistakes (notice the plural, there?? Good. I thought you might...)

Christopher Spera
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Old 03-17-2003, 06:51 AM
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Default You might not like my thoughts

I've got to think you are as much to blame as they are. :twisted: I've got my skin on so go ahead and flame on. :twisted:

Ok if you came across a company that went out of their way to treat you well, I'd bet you would not hesitate to name them. And lets face facts your name is not unknown in this community. If they are not willing to treat you well, they are not going to treat me one bit better because of my good looks.

Way I see it you live or die, by the way you treat your customers. And yes I've been in sales, and like anyone who has been in sales. I have had to deal with the customer who is wrong. Just MHO, but how you treat the pissed off customer says a lot about you.

Funny thing I found in life there is always someone willing to take my money. There is another case, around the corner. More features, a better fit, a better price. If this is the best they can do, then the community needs to know it. My guess is their are two three ready to step in and take their place.

When I read a review I want to see sometimes a company get hit. Makes me believe the reviewer, is honest. Not all the products I pickup are great, with technology I want, need to know about the down side. I need to know where the product is weak. A lot of sources will tell me why this is great, why I need it, now. What I need to know is where it is weak, or where it out right fails.

Sorry but to many seem to think, all we need to write about is the good. That sooner or later the bad will take care of itself. Sorry but if your willing to point out who is doing right, you should be just as willing to say who is doing it wrong. I said my little bit so flame away guys and girls.

David Hettel
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Old 03-17-2003, 06:59 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 62

Wow, I must have been lucky because eons ago when I still used a Palm, I bought a Palm Vx w/minstrel case from them to house my Palm Vx and Omnisky modem. Case worked great, and arrived in a normal amount of time.

The stylus, on the other hand, was a lousy tool. The ballpoint pen part fell out about a week after I started using it. So I was 1 for 2. Better than your guys' 0 for 1, but still pretty poor for a company. Let's spread the word if they're not living up to expectations.
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Old 03-17-2003, 07:21 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 128

Wow, isn't that something. I ordered a case from EBcases about 4 weeks ago for my 5455. It was on back order and supposedly going to be ready to ship in 10-15 days. I waited and waited and then last Monday (3/10), my credit card gets charged the full price of the case plus the cost of overnight shipping. I also got an e-mail last Monday stating that my order has shipped and will arrive in 24 hours and I'm given a tracking number. Tuesday morning before work I decide to check on the status of my package to get an idea if it would be here AM or PM and that is when I figure out that I don't know what shipping company is delivering it. I went to UPS, FedEX, Airborne and USPS website and put the tracking number in each of them and none have any record of the package. Hmmm, so I call EBcases at the number from the website and a girl (Nancy) looks up my order by my name and address and tells me it was shipped out but she doesn't know with whom. So Tuesday comes and goes and everytime I call after talking to 4, yes 4 Supervisors/Managers over the last 3 days and no one not only doesn't know where my package is but are unwilling to admit it hasn't left or get me a new one on the way. For crying out loud, is it that big of a hit to the company. I also asked about getting a refund for the shipping expense and was told that would take 45-60 days and I would recieve an e-mail once the charge back was authorized.

The way I left it on Friday is they have until this Tuesday (one week after I was supposed to recieve the first package) to make things right or I would talk to my lawyer.

rberry88 :evil:
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