03-16-2003, 11:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
The Evolution of Technology...
"I thought this might be a bit of fun. I came across my first cellphone. In 1985 when I bought this phone it was pretty high end. It had a bit of memory so you could program in a directory, and about 10 speed dial numbers. Plus it had a speakerphone option. You could do two things with it: You could talk into it, or you could listen. It was analog...no data, no faxing. Internet? What the heck was that?
As you can see it was very big, and heavy. This was not portable by any means. In the winter I sometimes couldn't read the screen it was too cold for it to work. Compared to my XDA's size and capabilities....WOW!Perhaps we should think again when we call something a brick."
It's amazing how far we've come, isn't it? I wonder where we'll be in 2023?

03-16-2003, 11:12 PM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jul 2003
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My first "mobile" phone was a carphone. As in, secured to the car. Hard to remember those. That would have been '92.

03-16-2003, 11:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 539
isn't this more of a carphone than a cellphone?
or did you have to glue the external antenna onto your hat?
cool stuff.
i still remember the portable phone my dad once got from his boss. it was like a business case with a shoulder strap.

03-16-2003, 11:20 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 1,639
My first cellphone was installed in my car just like Jasons, obviously analog only as well.
After I had traded the car, I still had the handset (too much aggro to get the rest uninstalled) which I traded in at the local phone store for a new one. I got $50.00 for it if I remember correctly.
I must admit, that old analog car installation had great signal strength, it would work anywhere.
After the car phone my next one was really portable, one of those AT&T bag phones. It was like lugging a car battery around.

03-16-2003, 11:28 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 399
I remember my first cell.....

oh wait... Im 16....I got my first cell this year!!!

03-16-2003, 11:37 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 4
in 2023
small device no more than 3"(~7.5 cm) by 2"(~5cm) by 0.5"(0.75cm)
less than 100 gram
200 up tp 300 DPI for display with 24-bit color
foldable OLED display (2 up to 4 levels of Unfolded) >1600*1200 in(Unfolded completely mode)
Processor speed >=10 Gigahertz
RAM an ROM >=4 GB
Support all mobile networks (GSM...etc)
... + 802.11b + Bluetooth wirless network (no wires every thing wirless including vedio and audio input+output)
Advanced battery life time >48 hour + >2weeks stand-by time (fase recharge <1 hour)
>1 TB hard drive (TB=Tira Byte=1024 GB)
Real OS (like Microsoft� Windows� XP Palm-Size Tablet PC Edition)

03-16-2003, 11:45 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 718
I had one of the first "true" portable phones, one of those Radio Shack thin walkie-talkie-looking phones. It was heavy, made out of mostly metal and I think the nicad battery lasted like a day or two Cost $1000 at the time...

03-16-2003, 11:58 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Originally Posted by dMores
isn't this more of a carphone than a cellphone?
I think you are dating yourself. This IS a cellphone. There were no handheld cellphones when I bought this device. This was as portable as they got. It wasn't long after that the bag type that dh mentioned came along.

03-17-2003, 12:30 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 215
My Vision of 2023
Here is what I think 2023 will look like...
PDAs are either implants or a (more likely) a HUD and really small earbud.
People will be arguing about the latest AxPaq, callling it a "brick" because it is .0000005 mm bigger and .00075 oz heavier than the competition.
We will anxiously await the arrival of Bluetooth 2, hoping for fufilment of all our dreams of wireless communication, or at least that some devices will be compatible.
We will debate over whether the latest new technology (Full 3D Immersion) is worthwhile, some arguing W?BIC!
Printer sales will be up 25% from previous years, proving once again that the Paperless office does not exist.
Sony comes out with the Memory Stick 2, forgetting that all of us have moved on to holograms

03-17-2003, 01:00 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
You forgot to mention if the OS will be optimized for Xscale. Or if there will be full versions of Word, and Excel on PPCs.
My vision of where we will be with mobile computing in twenty years is this:
Handheld computers/communicators will be a large part of everyones lives. Hardware-wise I think devices will be very collapsible. Screens, and keyboards will roll or fold up. We can wear them much like the small communicators portrayed on Star Trek. A simple touch will active the voice and camera functions. Or you can unclip the device unfold it and use it much like we do our Pocket PCs today. The network technology will be a satellite based system that will blanket the earth, and allow for secure network connections for data as well as one on one conversations and the likes. Storage will not be a huge issue since you will be able to access and use all the information you need on your base system or wherever you have authorization to access.
I don't think there is anything I have said that is to far out especially when you consider where we have come since I bought the phone system pictured. Back then "The information Highway" had hardly been mentioned, if at all. The thought of being able to connect to a world wide system of computers from a park bench was totally unimaginable. Yet here we are.