03-12-2003, 08:00 PM
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Pocket Inbox Email Storage Structure: Ultimately Flawed?
As I start to juggle multiple email accounts within Pocket Inbox, I start to wonder about the split between how Outlook and Pocket Inbox handle these. In Outlook I have a single directory tree, multiple email accounts, and rules to funnel downloaded email into various folders. It's a good system: all my email is in one place.
The more I use Pocket Inbox though, the more I realize how cumbersome it is to have an folder structure for every POP account (I have four). My desire is to replicate the Outlook desktop experience on my Pocket PC, and to date I've found checking my email on the device is of very limited value to me. I can't download a message, respond to it, move it to the appropriate folder, then have that transaction sync back into Outlook. I don't have rules to sort my email, nor do I have any sort of automated spam blocking. I'm doing everything twice and using my Pocket PC as little more than a mobile-spam deleting device (connect, download, delete spam, connect again). Not very productive. ;-)
What are your thoughts on this?
03-12-2003, 08:05 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 539
the solution is simple: don't use pocket inbox.
i haven't personally tested it yet, but @mail is supposed to be the �ber-email-client.
03-12-2003, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 354
There was a time when Microsoft had the dream of the universal inbox, when they bundled exchange client with windows 95 - was supposed to handle all your emailing and faxing from a single unified inbox.
It wouldn't be a huge technical leap to do - when you have mulitple emails in Outlook they go out through the same outbox and are marked for which account they actually use, likewise a single inbox. Although a complex rules engine may be a bit beyond pocket outlook...
03-12-2003, 08:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 176
I have the exact smae problem. Here is what I found out.
If you get @mail, which I use, you can cut and paste messages from service to service. This makes it somewhat easier to organize things.....BUT it is also very annoying. It is better then the default Inbox....but at what cost? That is for each person to decide.
Hopefully someone at microsoft or WebIS will fix this problem VERY soon...
03-12-2003, 08:32 PM
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Personally, I dislike Outlook on the desktop for mingling it. I have my corporate account, main personal account, freebie that came with my ISP and Hotmail. Hotmail is the only one that doesn't throw sand in the other's sandboxes.
I've had to create filters to keep my two personal accounts separate from my work emails and they still get mashed into a single SENT ITEMS folder. I had to add the "Email Account" column header to my SENT ITEMS so I could manually move personal outbounds to my personal archive file, thus keeping the archive process from moving all of sent items to my corporate archive.
03-12-2003, 08:40 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 125
This works for me:
Log into desktop Outlook in the AM and have it delete SPAM mostly automatically. Scan other messages, and don't delete or file messages that I want to read on my PDA.
Then, sync my PDA and let it grab those few messages.
I still have two mailboxes to go through, but I don't have to delete SPAM, and the number of messages is pretty small and therefore not really painful. I can sit in a comfy chair and read mailing lists and reply to most messages on my PDA.
For the rest of the day I check mail on the desktop.
I used to check mail occasionally with Pocket Outlook later in the day, but I don't do that much any more for exactly the reasons you mention. It's just too much a pain in the butt to delete 50 SPAM messages to find those two or three real messages. It's too much of a waste of time.
Hopefully @Mail will add some filtering rules so that I can automatically dump obvious SPAM ("penis" in the title, etc.) in the trash and sort all messages into one inbox. Maybe the @Mail guys are reading this? I'll buy @Mail it if they add filtering.
03-12-2003, 08:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 335
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
Personally, I dislike Outlook on the desktop for mingling it. I have my corporate account, main personal account, freebie that came with my ISP and Hotmail. Hotmail is the only one that doesn't throw sand in the other's sandboxes.
I've had to create filters to keep my two personal accounts separate from my work emails and they still get mashed into a single SENT ITEMS folder. I had to add the "Email Account" column header to my SENT ITEMS so I could manually move personal outbounds to my personal archive file, thus keeping the archive process from moving all of sent items to my corporate archive.
Try TheBat! ( http://www.ritlabs.com/the_bat)
It has separate InBoxes, OutBoxes, Sent Mail, Filters... etc.. for each mail account. The filters are per account (which is sometimes inconvenient) and they can sort mail into folders which are of local or global...
The only reason I don't use it for work emails is that it doesn't talk to our internal microsoft mail (not exchange) server.
I'd love a TheBat! on the PocketPC, but there will always be the issue of where should the email be routed and archived. The situation where email deleted off the PocketPC is also deleted from Outlook (unless I've missed something) is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE. Until this is addressed I'm not using my PocketPC for email viewing (it's not internet connected other than WiFi at home anyway...)
03-12-2003, 08:55 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 19
I've been fortunate to be able to move from POP to IMAP. I download all my emails (2 accounts) from the server via IMAP. I have server based spam removers running for both accounts. Do all my moves to appropriate folders, deletions, etc and then sync again later in the day. This is all done in pocket inbox using the "Move To.." option. I found moving e-mails in folders in @Mail to be cumbersome.
My $0.02.
03-12-2003, 09:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111
I'm moving to a PPCPE soon, and also was wondering if there were a better way to do mail. Two options, both speculative have occurred to me lately. 1. @Mail promises to be very full featured in the future; a dialogue with Alex about everyone's desires for a PPC mail client might bear interesting fruit. 2. How easy is it to set up an IMAP server on your home PC??? Number 2 is really speculative!
03-12-2003, 09:31 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 9
Personally I just can�t figure out what the @mail fuzz is all about. As far as I can see it�s just a pretty shell on top of Pocket Inbox with the added possibility to view HTML e-mail (though the actual viewing area is much too small to be useful) and some integration with Pocket Informant (I use Agenda Fusion). Apart from the pretty greenish lists for each inbox (separated) - what is it good for? Why should I pay money to use it?
I�m looking for a solution that gives me the ability to do all my e-mail management on my PPC but I still haven�t found any good software yet. Why this big black hole around e-mail management on a PPC when we have a number of PIM solutions to choose from?
Tonight I saw this service that I'll investigate further:
Has anyone had any experience with LoudPC? Seems like a good thing to have full access to my Outlook client and file structure at home (since my PC is always online). The price is a bit steep though...